Chapter 3

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(Over text)
D: "Dude I'm so bored. Help! "
B: "Bro stop texting me in class we're gonna get in trouble! "
D: "Oh please you're such a baby! It'll be fine OK? "
B: "It better be because if I get my phone taken up by Mr. Sampson I swear I'll..."
S: "Ahem! Texting in class now are we? "
B: "Uh... No sir... um... No."
S: "Right. Give it up."
B: "Fine."
(Ben gives Mr.Sampson his phone.)
S: "Alright. Who was he texting?  Huh?  Nobody going to speak today? Hmm. Alright then. Ben, you may come get your phone at the end of the day, unless somebody wants to own up to texting."
K: "Mr.Sampson I know who it was!"
S: "Well Karli spit it out then! "
(Karli smugly looks over to Dillon)
K: "Why it was Dillon Gay!  Oh!  I mean Grey! Sorry."
(The whole class laughs)
S: "Well then Mrs. Gay...I mean Grey. Grey. Hand it over."
(Dillon hand over the phone)
S: "You two may retrieve them after lunch, until then, you are to remain silent and work just like everybody else."
D+B: "Yes sir..."
S: "Yes. Now as I was saying..."
(Mr. Sampson continues to drone on about the lesson)
(Dillon looks back at Karli. Karli fake waves and sticks out her tongue)
(Thinking ) D: "One day I'm gonna get out of this place and it'll be me and Ben against the world and people will regret everything they've done to me."
(The school bell rings)
S: "Oh is it that time already?  Well then. Remember class!  If I see another phone out it's mine for the entire week. Everyone have a good weekend."
(Ben walks over to Dillon)
B: "I hate you. I can't believe you made us lose our phones. Sometimes you're a real moron you know that? "
D: "Ah shut up. You know you love me. Besides,  you need to be more social anyway. So really you should thank me."
B: "Thank you?! "
D: "You're welcome! Now come on I'm starving."
(They walk out the classroom and go to lunch)

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