My Puppys A Guy?! CHAPTER 3

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Alex's POV:

*BEEP...... BEEP.........BEEP............BEEP.......BEEP........BEEP......BARK.......BEEP........LICK........BARK......BEEP......*

I groaned the loudest groan known to man kind. Time to get this weekend started!

I got up to a sitting position, and looked at Xavier. He was SO cute the way he was looking at me.

"what do you want to do today?"

He simply got up and ran to the kitchen. Of course he's hungry! I knew, I didn't.

I finally got up, and went to the kitchen. I feel like Megan should be here. Hm...............

I ran to my room and called Megan.

'hey meg! Why don't you come over!'

'well..... Okay be over in 5'

Okay..... 5 minutes....... What do do now? Oh yeah! Get ready! What to where...... What to where....... Aha! Got it! A black shirt that has a howling wolf with black Levi jeans. Perfect.

After I was done getting ready, the door bell went off, and I went to open it, when Xavier got in my way, and barked and barked. I just used my foot to move him.

When I opened the door, what I didn't expect to see was my ex, Jared. I dumped him when I walked in on him and my BFF, or what WAS my BFF, having sex in his living room. What was the most saddest thing was that it was my 16th birthday. 2 years ago. I had no more tears for him, or any guy. All the guys I've dated cheated on me, and I never knew why.

I stood there, in shock, as he burst through the door, and pushed me against the wall, and started to kiss me, with me not responding.

Xavier attacked Jared, and beat him really badly. All I did was literally kick him out the door.

And I cried.

Megan came over a little later, and knew what to do. I told her how much I love Xavier because, he would probably rapped me if Xavier hadn't been here.

She, Xavier and I all fell asleep on the couch, watching a movie after that incident.

Xavier's POV:

She said she loved me! I was her hero! This is what I needed!!! Yes! I know what to do now! As we fell asleep, all I could think about was how my plan was going to work.


Sorry for not updating, been busy, and no more update due dates! I just can't take it! Oh well, I will update!!!

- C. R. C. S.

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