Chapter 2:

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Chapter 2:

Luke, Casey, also known as my mom, and I are all sitting in the living room. We are filling my mother in on what happened merely minutes ago. “I knew I felt something.” She said looking down. Her hair is just like mine, long and brown, but hers contains strands of grey through out it. “How did he look?” She asked looking at me. I held a straight face, “Dead, no emotion in his eyes and none in his voice.” I said and she nodded.

I knew she would always love my dad no matter what he does, that’s why she can’t run the pack. She’s too weak with out him. That’s why I hope I never find my mate, they make you mentally weak and along with that they will make you physically weak if they leave.

“I’m going to make dinner for everyone.” She says and gets up, leaving us. I lay back into the couch and sigh rubbing my temples. Luke comes over and replaces the spot on the couch and puts his arm around me hugging me too him. If it was anyone else I would’ve probably got up and left, but this was Luke, without him I wouldn’t be able to run this pack.

“It’ll be alright. I’ll have everyone train harder now and I’ll hold classes for the older people so they have some knowledge on how to protect themselves.” He said smiling down at me. I hug him and smiles, “Thank you, I have no clue what I would do without you.” He laughed some, “You’d probably die of stress.” He joked. “Probably.” I laughed with him.

“I’ll need to set up a pack meeting for tomorrow night.” I said letting go of him getting up. “And you, need to go some training plans together. See you tomorrow.” I said patting his head, “Yeah see you tomorrow, May.” He said smiling.


She left the room and I stayed on the couch. How can she not tell how much I care for her? How can she not see how much I want her to be my mate? It’s so easy for us to talk, to just hang out with one another. Sighing, I get up and head to my office on the second floor.

I open the door and go in and start making the plans for the new training exercises. As I’m about to finish them someone tries to mind link me, so I let down my block “Hey, Luke. There’s a breech on the east border, more rouges.” Drake, our third in command, says. “I’ll be there. Keep them contained and don’t let them off our land.” I say back getting up.

I jog down the stairs and mind link May and let her know what’s going on, “I’ll be down.” She says back as I go out the front door. I run over behind a tree, undressing and change into my blonde wolf. I grab my clothes in my mouth and sprint to the east border, using my sense of smell to determine where they all were.

As I get close I can hear the fighting, shit. I drop my stuff and run into the opening seeing that it’s one on three, two of our guys are down and Drake is surrounded. “Get here fast. We have a big problem.” I mink link May quickly as I silently attack the biggest of the three wolves. He lets out a growl and tries to throw me off of him as I bit at the back of his neck.

When the other two look over to figure out what’s happening Drake attacks them snapping ones neck swiftly, you never get used to the sound. The wolf under me stops suddenly and I hear May yelling, “Stop!” damn her and her alpha tone. I can’t tell if she used it in mind link or out loud. My wolf stops and backs up leaving the black wolf I was attacking on the ground bleeding.

May walks over, her white wolf as beautiful as ever, and then she does the last thing expected, she growls at me. I look at her confused and she goes to the black wolf and looks at it and freezes. I see her whole body tense and this is the last thing I ever wanted to happen, May has found her mate. Fuck.


No, no, no, no. This isn’t happening I can’t have a mate. I look down into the wolf’s silver eyes and they are just as surprised as mine. My wolf has taken over and I have no control. She leans down to him and touches his nose with his. He gladly accepts the gesture and then I hear Luke growl from behind me and I stop. I turn and my wolf growls at him for the second time and I try and scold her, but she doesn’t care.

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