Chapter One

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All her stories and rhymes have been said.

It's been her time,

She's said her rhyme.

And now it's time we speak for her,

When she spoke for us instead.

In truth we are not one but seven,

Now six.

Originally we did this just for each other, just for kicks.

But then we saw our impact,

And that we could not take back.

So we were bound with a promise.

My best friend died today.

Not that you knew that anyway.

The leader of us all,

I watched her slip and fall,

From where she had stood that day.

And somewhere safe I hope she is, I pray.

I lost a sister today.

I know she is somewhere far away.

She flew into the sky,

But like Icarus flew too high.

And she fell further than she could understand.

We three lost a friend today.

We weren't as close to her but we still felt the pain.

She was like the sister we never had.

And when she took us in we were so glad.

She cannot come back,

The power she does lack!

And we're in pain.

Sealed by a promise,

Sealed by a wish.

We promise.

We won't forget this.

Chapter One

Jason was sitting on the plane, just waiting for the six hours of children screaming to end.  He'd slept through four hours of it, spent an hour reading a book, and then had nothing left to do.  He'd listened for almost half an hour now a boy cry at his mother about how his sister had stolen his candy, despite the fact that he had no sister.  Jason was about ready to murder the little boy when he finally felt them start to land.  

There was no airport on Mt. Rainy, and Jason's cousin was busy working, so Jason ended up literally alone in a car with a total stranger for almost two hours from SEATAC to Mount Rainy.   Speaking of rainy, that was all the weather was.  It was like the sky was crying because it knew how bored Jason would be later.  There was no signal, no Wi-Fi, nothing.  He felt cut off from the rest of the world.

After about two hours of being trapped in his own thoughts, complaining endlessly about the lack of internet, Jason arrived at his cousin's house.  Here is where he spent most of his time, endlessly waiting for something to happen.  Eventually bored with being bored, Jason decides to wander through the forest.  

Rare spots of sunlight flitted through the open green of the forest, casting a warm light on the earthen floor.  Jason's brown hair blew in the gentle wind, his green eyes shining in wonder.  Before him, the earth dropped off suddenly, and there was a spectacular view of the mountains. He could see the forest below him, the blue sky opening expansively above him, the river flowing in the distance, the majestic dragon flying through the sky.  Jason did a double take, and ended up realizing that it was just his imagination getting the best of him.  

Jason continued on through the woods, admiring the nature he had only read about until this point.  It was only the sound of a stick breaking in front of Jason that reminded him that animals existed.  He grabbed a nearby branch and gripped it tightly, peering around the tree, only to look into a pair of startling grey eyes.  Startled by this, he bashed the girl in the side of the head with his branch.  She crumpled to the ground, crimson blood spilling from the side of her head, staining her white dress.  Her black hair spilled across her face as she tried to stand again.  A silver light emitted from her wound, healing her in an instant.  

Jason was a strange cross between 'WTF' and-well no, it was just a pure state of 'WTF'.  The girl rose to her feet, opening her pale lips, her arms trembling at her sides as she yelled,"Why in the goddess' name did you hit me in the head with a branch?  I mean, what in Lua's name were you thinking!?"  Jason was now even more confused.  In fact, I will warn you now that for the remainder of this book Jason will be flipping only between three states.  First, he will be in this strange perpetual state of 'WTF IS HAPPENING HERE'.  Second, he will just be plain old depressed for various reasons such as *spoiler sensor*.  Third, he will be in a state of 'What is life? What am I doing here? Why do I exist?'  This is his most common state of his being.  

Jason scrambled to find an answer,"I...I um...I thought you bear or something?  I'm sorry!  Do you need to go to a hospital?  How did you heal yourself?"  The girl managed to  look down her nose at Jason, even though she was far shorter,"I healed myself by using the ancient art of magic.  Do you not know what that is, or will I have to walk you through the entire history of the world?"  Jason was confused even further,"What do you mean?  Magic doesn't exist!  People stopped believing in that a long time ago!"  The girl looked him dead in the eye, her sharp voice piercing his soul,"People believe what they want to, no more no less.  Lies are often the truths people don't want to hear, and truth is usually some sort of distortion.  Humanity is a broken system.  Get used to that."  

Jason entered the third state of being I mentioned earlier, which is his existential state.  This is what happens when currently nameless girl decides to tell him something that really messes with what he knows about life.  That happens a lot.  Anyway, Jason figured now was as good a time as any to ask the girl her name.  "So, what's your name?  And, like, why are you in the middle of the woods without shoes?"  The girl scoffed,"My name is of no importance, and my lack of shoes is not important either."  Jason deadpanned,"You just have no excuse for the shoe thing, do you?"  The girl blushed,"I have a perfectly reasonable excuse!  I just forgot...just like my name..."  Jason was back in a state of 'WTF'.  "How do you forget your own name?!"  The girl yelled back,"I don't know!  How do you not know what magic is?!"  Jason fired back,"BECAUSE MAGIC DOESN'T EXSIST!"  

The forest  grew deadly quiet again.  "Magic is as real and alive as you and me.  You'd best not forget that,"  the girl's voice grew sharp again.  Jason felt a weight settle on his chest, like he'd just messed up really bad.  He tried to dig himself out of the hole by asking her again,"So, um, about your name?"  The girl replied,"I told you, I DON'T REMEMBER."  He tried to come up with some sort of response.  "So, um, how about we call you...Krystal!  Yeah, because of your silver eyes, which look kinda like diamonds, I guess..."  Krystal blushed,"Ok, fine, I guess that'll work..."  

They didn't realize that this weird/awkward/rage inducing conversation was the start of a friendship-no, the continuation of a friendship that has since become as legendary as the name Lua.  Of course, none of you know anything about any of this yet because you just started reading.  That and the fact that I'm an idiot who doesn't explain major world elements until the last chapters.  

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2017 ⏰

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