Chapter 20: DEEP

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I'm sharing my quotes and poetry with you all, you might have read or heard something similar but all these are MY OWN WORDS.

love you all



"The most beautiful things are always hidden be the excavator"

" Never cut down a tree in wintertime. Nerve make your important decisions when you are in a cold mood, Never make a negative decision which affects for a long time. Wait. Be patient the storm will pass, the spring will come"

" Embrace the magnificent mess that you are"

" Less is more, say less do more"

" Dead people receive more flowers than living ones because guilt is stronger than appreciation"

· If the plan doesn't work change the plan but not the goal that's why it's called plan B

" Stop chasing the waves let the sea come to you"

" Earth has music for those who listen, it's silence in noise''

" When you stop chasing that's when they notice you"

"Don't get upset with people or circumstances both are weak with your reaction, it applies Newton's 3rd law of motion in world's emotion"

" starve the ego, feed the hungry soul"

" shoes speak louder than words"

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