Alive in Pollution

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Most people would not take time to appreciate the torn off floral wallpaper plastered on the celling, but I do. I know that celling more than I know my own family. The celling is comfort. The celling is familiar. When I get a needle ejected in me or feel my breath slowly give up, I look at the celling for comfort and somehow it gets me through everything.  Besides doctors and nurses, I owe my life majorly to the celling. The celling that is imperfect with faded gold and baby pink in splatters is my comfort.  I've never told anyone about what that celling has done for me because they wouldn't get it. Their minds are too active in the world,  mine is too still in the walls of the hospital. But soon I will become one of them. One of them who never take time to appreciate a celling or the way the walls look like moon craters.  And that'll become because of society. All you can do is exist in a society and hope to live. Can you be alive without living? I know once I step foot in the smell of the polluting atmosphere, I'll just be alive. I guess I am lucky though because I am alive still? I could've died but I might just in the world's polluting mind.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2017 ⏰

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