Chapter 6: The Test

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A/N: By the way, I added some more to the previous chapter. It's only a small portion but you'll probably get a little confused if you don't read it. It was going to go into this part but I thought it would fit better in the last part than this one.

Anyway, to the part...






My hand goes to smack the alarm clock making it shut up. I open my eyes and rub them hard. I look around to find that I'm back in my old room. Was that whole thing just a dream?

I climb out of bed and walk up to the mirror. I don't look like I've been in a dirty cell or slapped multiple times. I'm even wearing pajamas not the clothes I was wearing when I got captured.

I decide to get dressed for the day and cautiously open the door to my room. Nothing looks different to me. Everything is the same. Did I seriously dream up of everything? I start to walk down the stairs when I'm stopped, "Ella?"

I turn and look at Kyle touching his lip around the place it was split, "Did you get a weird dream last night?"

Kyle's face is completely unharmed too. There's no bruise and his lip is no longer split.

I walk towards him and nod, "Yeah. Did you?"

"Yeah," he admits to me, "It was almost real."

"You don't think that was real and this is the simulation, do you?" I ask him.

Kyle pauses, "But it was too weird to be real. I mean, Andy, Autumn, nites, witches, wizards? It all seemed far fetched."

"I agree with that," I tell him, "But then how'd we have the same dream? At least, it seems like we're talking about the same thing."

Kyle nervously rubs the back of his neck, "I don't know how to answer that one."

"Let's just head on to school and see what happens," I tell him, "Maybe it really was just a weird dream we both had. Maybe we are talking about two different dreams."

He nods and follows me down the stairs. We enter the kitchen where our mother is making breakfast humming to herself softly. You wouldn't be able to tell that we came from her. Her red hair and bright blue eyes don't look anything like us. Her blue eyes remind me of Andy and Autumn's piercing ones.

Our mother notices us standing at the bottom of the stairs, "Well, go on. Your food is at the table."

Kyle and I silently head towards the table and see two steaming plates on the table. Just like she said. I never realized how famished I was until now. I sit at the table and it doesn't take me long at all to finish the food. I don't even look up as I eat. But when I do, I notice that Kyle has eaten all of his too. It's almost like we haven't eaten in days.

"You guys seem quiet today," our father enters the room. He then looks down at our plates with confusion, "Were you two hungry?"

I nod, "Yeah. That's why were were quiet."

He chuckles, "Maybe a later dinner will do then."

"Maybe," Kyle comments then looks at the clock in the dining room, "Come on, Ella. We'll be late for school."

I nod, "Yeah."

We grab our bags and head out of the doors. We start walking to the bus stop. We're quiet until Kyle breaks the silence, "I don't know what to believe anymore."

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