Rise and Fall

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As I said in the castle example, I cry in the middle of the hurt and pain I caused, the middle of my crumbled castle, and it is Jhi who hands me a hammer, to start building it again, and helps me to my feet. To perhaps build a grander castle a better life, maybe the castle will stand so strong that the snake will be overthrown.

I smile at the sudden hope. There is the hope that Abeke is safe in Greenhaven where she and the others can save the world, without me in the way.

Despite what I had done, Jhi had backed me up, and-loved me, like a mother.

I am a prisoner in my own body, not strong enough to control myself.

I should be punished.

I am the reason that the Greencloaks have lost their talismans.

And yet, Jhi still stayed with me, without the command of the bile.

Jhi... We are War and peace, together we bring balance. Whether we die or live, the conquerors will not win. Over. My. Dead. Body.

I stood up straight and stared defiantly at the horizon.

They want to destroy my friends, my allies, and my world?

They'll have to make me.

I'd like to see them try.

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