A fight for nothing

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You cry
You beg
You get the sympathy you want
But you want more
You crave the attention
It's as if
My words
Are nothing
You rant
You rant as if I am nothing
Have I not helped you
Have I not been there to comfort you
My words
Are nothing to you
Cry all you want
All you please
Don't look back at me
With glazed puppy eyes
I've said all I could
And done all I could
Even if I was wrong
I did all I could
If you leave tomorrow
I'll stand here
Hoping you won't turn back
Don't use those tears on me anymore
Go ahead tell your friends
Tell your acquaintances
But don't pull those games on me
After all I could give
It's not enough for you
Fall on your knees
And tell me a sob story
I'm done

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