So I just want to tell you how my past couple of days have been going.
That's start with today my mom won't let me stay home by my self anymore because of what happened (but that's a another time) so my parents have this bowling thing so since they won't trust me I have to go with them its so boring there is nobody my age or there's nothing to do an did I mention I hate to bowl. Its like I can't talk to anyone there because me an my mom an step dad don't talk to each other an since my phone is off I can't text anyone if Im there so whats the point of me going then when we are there I remember that the eogs are this week so I said "oh when I get home im going to study" then my mom makes this comment "its not going to make a different studying now when you never study" an that pissed me off so fast it wasn't funny so me an mom my got I this big ass argument about it so when I got home I tried to text my girlfriend if her dad could that me stay the night there then go to school then go home an the only reason I was going to do that is to calm down. But I didn't get I response because I think she is asleep or her dad took her phone because she's been up to late so her dad wants her to sleep so yeah. But im thinking about going to another friends house rn but its fine. Now that's get to yesterday it was ok same old same I have community service because I did some thing (but this not the time to tell you what happened I'll tell you guys next) so I did 2 hours of that an I home an hear yelling like its usually about so yeah. My step dad gets on my ass about this like he never did anything (an that's a lie he just never got caught) but I do it once an I never I repeat I NEVER EVER did this before so I dont understand it but Im done with it sometime I think about running away to a friends house an never come back to this house but the only reason im still he is because of babygirl (if you read this you know who im talking about) I love her with all my heart she's my everything my world. OK back to the past couple of days Friday was the best night ever it was a blast with babygirl an emo I had some much fun we played truth or dare an 20 questions an when to the playground yes we are little kids (if you dont like it get out) but I love you two so much. An the rest was yelling an getting annoyed by my sisters that are 3 an 4 they are my headaches but I still love them with all my heart I would die if they died. They mean so much to me.
That's it for to day this is my first time doing something like this so comment if you want me to do more or just stop an im upon to suggestion. Til next time peace bitches DJ out 😎