~Chapter 7~

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Aphmau's pov
"Cadenza, stop moving! You're gonna make me mess up your eyeliner and do you really want that on your wedding day?" I chuckled as she shook her head and I nodded. "Exactly. So sit still!" Lucinda, who was sitting in a chair in front of the mirror and looking at her phone sighed and said "Stop being so uptight, Aph. Here," she snapped her fingers and all of a sudden Cadenzas makeup was done perfectly. I threw the eyeliner pencil into my makeup bag and said "That works too. Come on Flame-Head, let's get you into your dress." She laughed and we went over to the changing room. She went in and changed into her dress then she came back out and I zipped up the back of it for her. She turned to look at me and smiled. "How do I look?" I absentmindedly fixed a few loose strands of her hair as I said "Beautiful. Garroth will be blown away, trust me." She grabbed my hands and said "Aph, thank you so much for being so helpful in all this. You helped set up the venue and the tent for the reception amazingly, your calmed me down when I started getting stressed and I just have to say I'm glad you're my best friend." I smiled and said "I'm glad you're my best friend too. I don't need a thanks, you're getting married to my brother. You're getting ready to be my sister the least I could do is help. Now come on let's make sure the rest of the girls are ready. Its almost time to walk the aisle!" We hurriedly went back to the main part of the dressing room and found the rest of the girls doing finishing touches on either their makeup or their hair. Katelyn looked in the mirror and frowned. "I hate makeup. And putting my hair up. And dresses." I laughed and she looked at cadenza then said "I would say you owe me but it's your wedding day so I guess I can make an exception this one time." Cadenza thanked her and I looked at kawaii chan and said "Kawaii chan! What do you think?" I motioned to Cadenza and she squealed. "Kawaii chan thinks she looks amazing! So does Aphmau Senpai!" There was a knock at the door and I went over to it. I opened it just a little in case it was Garroth but thankfully it was Travis. I opened the door more and let him in. "It's almost time so they wanted me to come over and see if you were ready?" I nodded and said "Yep! We're all set!" He nodded and said "Great. Meet and the two doors to the aisle so we can line up." I nodded and he quickly kissed my cheek then left. Katelyn whistled and said "I see another wedding in the future!" I blushed and shook my head as she laughed. We went to he big double doors and sure enough all Garroths Groomsmen were there along with Travis, his best man. Cadenzas dad was standing there as well. They talked for a minute and then we heard the music start playing. Lucinda linked arms with Laurence, and behind them kawaii Chan linked arms with Zane, then behind them Katelyn linked arms with Vylad. They walked down the aisle and got in their designated spots then me and Travis linked arms. We went down the aisle and got in our spots, Travis next to Garroth and me standing next to the place where cadenza will stand. The ring bearer and the flower girl also known as Cadenzas little cousins came down the aisle next. Finally cadenza and her and Laurence's dad walked down the aisle. I'm gonna be honest, I teared up at their vows and I also seen our mom sitting in the crowd tear up. After what felt like no time at all the officiant closed the book he was reading from, smiled and said "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You make kiss the bride!" With that cadenza and Garroth kissed and everyone cheered. They walked back down the aisle to go get pictures taken whereas everyone else went to the huge tent for the reception party. When they came back from getting pictures they sat down with everyone else and people started doing speeches. I kept going over mine in my head over and over again until finally Travis, who had just finished saying his speech said "Now I will hand over the mic to my lovely girlfriend, the best friend to the bride and the little sister to the groom, Aph!" Everyone clapped as I took the microphone from him and stood up. All eyes were on me and I was determined to not mess up. I sighed and began with, "Where do I start? I guess with who I am since a few people here probably don't know me. As Travis said I'm Aphmau and I am Cadenzas best friend and Garroths little sister. Now onto some stuff about the Bride. Cadenza has been my best friend since our freshman year of Highschool. I distinctly remember the first day we met was on the first day of school. You had come up to me and asked me, and I quote, if I 'knew the cute, popular, blonde senior.' To which I casually responded with 'Who? Wait Garroth? Yea he's my brother.' You instantly freaked out and that was the beginning of a very long friendship and a very long time of me being forced to listen to you talk about your crush on my brother," Everyone laughed including Cadenza and Garroth and I smiled before continuing, "Jokes aside, I always knew you two would end up together in the end. I wasn't there for you two when you first started dating and I hate that but I am here for your wedding and I think that's a little bigger than dating so that's good. Now a little bit about my big brother." I heard Garroth quietly say "Oh Irene" making me laugh. I took a deep breath then said "Garroth, Cadenza doesn't know this but I used to hear you talk about her just as much as she did about you. That's one of reasons why I knew you'd get together. If you had asked me if I thought I'd be standing here today welcoming my best friend into our family as my sister-in-law I wouldn't have had to think twice before saying absolutely. Cadenza, you are my best friend and I have no doubt in my mind that you are the perfect girl for my big brother. Garroth, as protective as you've been over me since we were kids I wholeheartedly know you won't ever hurt her and that you will always protect her no matter what. So here's to the newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Ro,Meave!" Everyone raised their glasses of champagne and clinked them together with the person next to them. I sat back down and heard the DJ playing a slow song then over the intercom he said "If the new couple could make their way to the dance floor for the first dance, please." Garroth and Cadenza got up and went the the middle of the floor and started dancing. I smiled and Travis came over and sat next to me. "You did great on the speech." I bit my lip and said "Really? I was nervous, could you tell?" He shook his head and said "Not one bit. You were perfect, as always." I smiled and leaned over. We kissed and when we pulled away he said "I love you so much." I nodded and said "I love you too." Soon the first dance ended and the dance floor was filled with everyone dancing. Me and Travis danced a few times but other than that we just sat down and ate the food from the buffet table. Until the bouquet toss. Me, Katelyn, Kawaii Chan, and Lucinda were all standing next to each other while cadenza was standing pretty far away in front of us with her back facing us. We were playfully shoving each other so that we'd catch the bouquet while 'Single Ladies' by Beyoncé blasted in the background. The crowd around us started counting down from three as cadenza got ready to throw the bouquet. 'THREE!' I couldn't stop the smile on my face. 'TWO!' We were trying our best to get to a spot where we could catch the bouquet before the crowd finished counting. 'ONE!' I was instantly confused as cadenza turned around and walked over to me then handed me the bouquet instead of throwing it. The song changed to Marry Me by Jason Derulo and I looked at her confused. "Cadenza, what are you-?" She grabbed my shoulders and spun me around to see Travis standing there smiling. I of course smiled back but I still didn't know what was going on. At that moment I seen he was holding a small black box in one of his hands. My mouth formed an 'O' shape as I realized what was happening. Garroth came over and handed Travis a microphone then walked back over to Cadenza. I looked at them then back to Travis and he started talking into the mic. "Aph, I love you more than words will ever be able to describe and I never want to go a day without you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you and I want to always be able to call you mine. So I want to ask you a very important question." He bent down onto one knee and opened the box revealing an amazing ring. He looked at me with that stupidly adorable grin that I love and said "Will you marry me?" I nodded with a grin on my face to match his and said "How is that even a question?! Yes, Oh my Irene!" Everyone started cheering and clapping even louder and I looked over at my brothers who were standing with our mom and dad. They all had smiles on their faces and I turned my attention back to Travis when he let go of me and grabbed my left hand while my other hand was still holding the bouquet. He took the ring and put it on my ring finger. I instantly kissed him which he must not have been expecting because he stumbled back a bit but kissed me back nonetheless. When we pulled away I looked at cadenza who already had her arms open. I hugged her and mumbled a quick "Thank you so much." She patted my back and said "No need to thank me, I've been waiting for him to propose to you since I first found out you got back together! I'm not gonna lie, when he asked me and Garroth if it would be ok for him to propose at our wedding reception I almost fainted." I laughed and when we pulled away I seen my brothers walking over. I ran over and attacked them all into a hug causing them to laugh. Our parents came over and joined in then Travis came over and I pulled him into the hug as well. I looked at the ring and I instantly started crying again. I didn't know it was even possible to be this happy. I started crying even more when my dad pulled Travis into a hug, patted his back and said "Welcome to the family." I held my hand over my mouth to stop myself from squealing from being so happy and my brothers took turns hugging Travis saying stuff like 'Glad to finally have you as part of the family' and 'Congrats.' The rest of the night was filled with congratulations to both Garroth and Cadenza and to me and Travis. Soon the wedding ended and Garroth and cadenza left for their honeymoon. Me and Travis went back to my house and the day had been so crazy and hectic with the wedding, the prepping, the dancing, the speech and to top it all off, Travis proposing to me that I was finding it hard to stay awake. I went up to my room and Travis followed me. He had spent the night with me so many times that he just kicked off his shoes, took off his suit jacket, tie, and shirt then climbed into my bed. I went to my bathroom and took a quick shower then changed into an old t-shirt and shorts then went back to my room and seen Travis was already asleep, quietly snoring. I chuckled and gently laid down next to him so I wouldn't wake him up and turned onto my side so my back was facing him. His arms instinctively reached out and wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer to him. I smiled as I stared at the ring on my finger. I wasn't staring because it was pretty, or shiny. I was staring at it because it reminded me that In the near future I'd be Mrs. Aphmau Jessica Valkrum. It reminded me that soon I'd be married to the man I love. I grabbed travis' hand and entwined our fingers together then pulled my blanket over us and fell asleep.

I wrote this at 4 am what is wrong with me XD So what'd you think? I actually teared up a little at a few parts! Anyway guys that's all for now hope you enjoyed bbbbbbbbbbbbyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeee

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