Skateboarding **michael clifford**

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You had never skateboarded before and Michael really wanted to teach you how.

"Come onnnnn babeeeeee" Michael wined at you as he skated circles around you.

"Mikey!!! You know I have horrible balance" you whine back mimicking him.

"Just get on y/n" Michael demanded

"Fine" you sigh as you get on.

You where both on the skateboard at this point. he pushed off and you started to feel dizzy. You tensed up and he warped his arms around you to try and calm you down.

After a while he had you on it by yourself.

"On the count of 3 I'm going to let go okay? 1... 2... 3..." he let go and your heart practically stopped. All you could think about was if you lost your balance and fell.

"YOUR DOING IT Y/N, HOLY SHIT YOUR DOING IT!!!!!" You heard Michael scream from behind.

You turned around to look at him and lost your balance and fell off.

"Oh my god y/n are you okay?!?!?" he asked with worry in his eyes " It looked like you fell on your head!"

You look up at him.

"Yeah I'm fine. can I get back on??" You ask while laughing your ass of

I'm sorry this was so shit ... just try and Remember this is my first ever weighting for fan fic so yeah bye loves, 💕

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