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“The fire that burns in my throat like a sword pierced in a rock, ah how I crave it to be quenched alas no water nor ice will abide from saving me this  misery from my immortal plight.”


Mangalore a bustling city not more than a dot on the map of Karnataka, yet its ever busy noises reaching even the far corners of the of the state. For centuries I have watched over it ,from nothing more than a small village expanding itself to its grandeur of today. Era’s have passed over it yet leaving it unaffected, except its mortal inhabitants. But after living for eight centuries and two months ,the one thing that I have learnt is that immortality does not limit to the body only. Great mindsets such as Alexander, Ashoka and many others whom I have seen, been with and loved are alive even today. Their names and deeds spanning across the globe in literature and history.

It was around ten on a Sunday as the show on the television running across the house was comedy circus .Which took me four and a half days to deduce. I rolled over on the dusty ground until my hunger drove me out the compound – a fairly new reinforced walls with new carving and shorter tombstones. The cemetery had changed in the years I slumbered beneath my crypt a small cave approximately eighty feet below the present surface. Yes the question popping behind your heads as to the years of what I would call nap. Two centuries ago in the war against the east India company I had suffered from what happens to be the only thing that ever allows them to achieve nirvana or  injures an immortal-love.I found mine in the seventeen hundreds a young dazzling girl with a petite body whose eyes could cut through the facade often put by individuals. What a graceful elegant mortal, died during battle an unfortunate victim of war.Ofcourse I wouldn’t stand for it and so I made sure those miserable mortal payed dearly. No judgement needed because when you live as long as I did the life of other mortas become insignificant like that of of a flower that withers up in a fleeting amount of time.

I climbed the walls and made my way out of the cemetery and jumped on the pavement a young lad reeking of alcohol almost had his way with the a young lass until I quickly grabbed him in blink of an eye dug my lips into his neck bursting his vein and  as blood oozed out I took out a wine glass that was kept in my coat –an Armani with two pockets on each side .The drink was heavenly , I felt the blood in my cheeks again come to life along with  the heinous plans thought my this lad which he would have carried out had I not interrupted. Another sip of the freshly oozing blood from the vein  showed me his fear of me, of death who was just calmly standing in front of him yet he was rendered powerless in the presence of this monster. Has I had my fill I spat on the wound which instantly healed his wound and with my entrancing voice  which approached his brain demanding it to forget this incident entirely and just like that he turned around and walked away, I immediately turned around to work my dark magic on the young girls as well only to see her unconscious at my feet. Quickly touching my finder tips on her fore head I scanned her mind seemed that the horror sight that he had to repulsively see put her in a state of shock… would seem that a trauma formed in her mind. Gently smiling a playful thought arose ‘she wont be going anywhere near the dark’ .I placed her on a bench near the graveyard which would further increase her trauma but the impatience of enjoying the star gazed night pushed that thought behind till it became a fleeting thought. Putting my hat on  I sped fast at speed that would put even jets to shame and made my way into dark of the night.

Chapter one

Before we go any further or if any of the event to follow is to make sense than you ought to know a bit about me. Born into the mortal flesh centuries back in the family of rajputs, making their legacy mine ‘everything belong to the brave ‘ rose many expectation of me from the clan especially being born as the eldest son to the ruler of a small clan which history has long forgotten. Everyone including you would expect me to be rash, head strong and those other stereotypical male character one would expect from the boy born to rule his family. Well, not exactly to be honest I did not enjoy bullying, which was not only legal but also a great feat which can be accomplished by only those born to higher ranks. I was th complete opposite I had taken to my mother who despite being feminine when needed was a woman to feared and revered by not only the clanites but also my dad. If there would have been a chose given to my father as to the order of birth surely he would have chosen my younger brother and exact opposite of me. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2014 ⏰

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