Tour Life With BVB

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Authors note: I should probably stop all these notes now...But I have decided to carry on woth this story purely because I have nothing else better to do with my life. Oh and this chapter is gonna be quite long I think...

Eventually, they stopped killing each other long enough to go and find something to eat, and that included Andy. The loss of contact with him was almost heartbreaking, you had gotten to crave even a little contact with him now, whether that be eye contact, or a smile. You shook your head, getting up to stretch your legs. Yes, you almost fell flat on your face, but you didnt care, not that much anyway. You stumbled into the kitchen, getting yourself another can of coke and searching through the fridge for food. You were starving at it was almost ten at night, and after a bit of elbowing people out of the way, throwing a bag of frozen peas at Jinxx and falling sideways, you found a pizza. "HELL YES!" You practically screamed. "I want pizza!" "Shut up Jinxx and find your own, this is mine!" "But, im your best friend!" "And?" "I deserve pizza!" "Shut up!" You shoved the pizza in the oven and guarded it incase Mr i want pizza tries to steal any. Once its done, you carry it to the back lounge and eat, noticing everyone watching your every move. "To hell are you guys getting pizza!" They all pouted at you, even the three sleepy heads who had awoken. "Nope no no no!" "Please!?" "No!" "Come on Olivia, i have been your best friend since like, forever!" "No Zoe, i do not share food!" "But you gave me some of your cupcake earlier!" Andy whined. Everyone stopped and stared between you and him. "That was a one off, and he wouldnt shut up about batman vs superman!" Everyone shrugged, and went back to being annoying. So you ate it as quick as possible and ran away to your bunk.

" you have any pizza left?" "Andy, no i do not." "Oh ok then." "There is pizza in the freezer, second drawer down." "But i dont want that pizza...i want the same pizza you had!" "There are 5 more exactly the same!" "No, i want the one you had!" "Well, i ate it all, so if you want it open up my digestive system." You hear him let out a sigh. "Olivia...can i ask you a question?" "Yes, what?" "Can i have a hug?" "Sure!" You roll over, taking him into a hug. He wrapped his arms tightly around you, resting his head on your shoulder. Bloody hell. You thought, enjoying the hug more than you were supposed too. In fact, the hug went on for longer than expected, and dozey head andy ended up falling asleep on  you...again. Fuck this, how the fuck am i going to get him in his bunk!? You thought, observing the bunk under Ashley's, right at floor level. "Jinxx!" "What?" "Help me get Andy into bed will you?" "Sure!" Jinxx grabbed Andy's waist and tried gently pulling him away from you, but Andy wasnt going anywhere. "Olivia, i think you are going to have to put up with his lordship tonight, i cant move him, he is clinging on to tightly." He shrugged his shoulders before walking off back to the bathroom. Well shit...

Tour Life With BVBWhere stories live. Discover now