No Longer a Mute

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Guys! I have 100 reads on this story! Thank you so much for being an amazing audience/Readers. Enjoy this chapter. ~LightningPharoah

Living as a mute is hard. It took a couple of months for everyone to adjust but it worked. You are currently in rehab as the doctors believe that they can get you your voice back.

*During Rehab*

Y/N *Hoarse voice*: "He-o my na-s Y/-" You attempt to say but fail. Getting angry you punch a nearby wall, Going straight through it, and scaring the doctors.

Doctor: "I think that is enough for today Y/N, See you next week" The doctor says, his sweet smooth voice caressing your ear drums.

You walk out an angry look on your face. Feeling hungry you head to the cafeteria.

*Time skip to the Cafeteria*

Your eating a Beef Steak and Mustard Baguette when you hear someone cry out in pain, "Ow, let go, That hurts." recognising the voice immediately you stood up and walked over to Team CRDLS table.

Cardin: "Aww has the Failure come to Talk to us again?"

Dove: "What is it? Want to talk to us and tell us to stop?"

Cardin: "Oh wait, YOU CAN'T!" When Cardin says this something inside you snapped. Grabbing him by the throat and lifting him off the floor you tell him in a Hoarse almost demonic like voice, "I am here not to say, but do, as I am sick of you constantly Bullying faunas'."

Cardin: "Oh why do you care? Your Human just like the rest of us."

Y/N: "Really? Because I don't think so" Tightening your grip you make a pair of Snow White Wolf ears and a Snow White Wolf tail appear, making everyone in the cafeteria Gasp.

Cardin: "Oh-My-God *Starts to choke* I am being Strangled by a...Freak...." This was the last thing Cardin says before passing out. After letting go of Cardin you glare at his teammates and they run off taking their "Fearless" Leader with them. You walk back to your table and finish your Lunch in peace.

*Time skip, Final Lesson, Professor Ooblecks Class*

Dr Oobleck: "Now can anyone tell me why the Humans won the Battle of Crimson Valley?"

You raise your hand

Dr Oobleck: "Yes Y/N?"

Y/N: "The humans won the Battle of Crimson Valley because the Faunus Forces where using their 5 through 9th Tail Combat Divisions and the Narrow Valley made it easy for Hostile Snipers to shoot of the tails of the Faunus effectively Immobilizing them." You say your voice still a Bit Hoarse due to not being used for a long time. While you said this you glared at Cardin the entire time.

Dr Oobleck and the rest of the class look at you in shock as your voice worked. But you where careful not to strain your voice.

Y/N: "What do I have something on my face?" You say your voice working perfectly this time. You hadn't noticed yet.

GUYS! GUYS! GUYS! Thank you (Again) for 100 hundred Readers. Really Appreciate it. Now I know that the shit I upload is read. Anyway Vote time. I am thinking of starting a Titanfall 2 X RWBY Fanfiction. Do you guys want that and will you read it? It is just something to Write while Descent to Madness is on hold. Comment and Vote!

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Vote and I will see you guys next time. Thanks for Reading. ~LightningPharoah

P.S. Sorry for the short chapter!

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