Chapter 2

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I know I know I left you all at a cliff hanger, so enjoy this chapter! :3

A boy came into view, his shaggy blonde hair covering his left eye a bit. His blue eyes held an exasperating look and his pale hand was holding a pistol at his side as he came closer.

    "Tyler what the hell?! You know how Henry is when you shoot guns at people!" Connor yells at the boy Tyler furiously.

    "Then tell me why a random girl is holding Sophia!" Tyler growls, his eyes narrowing like blades while pointing his pistol right at me.

    "She's not a random girl thats Natalie! She was about to be attacked by infectors so I saved her and brought her here! So lower the gun and calm down!" Connor's words must have done something because the boy put his gun down slowly and returns it to its rightful spot on his belt before letting out a huff.

    "C'mon Sophia..." Tyler says in a low voice.

    "Okie dokie!" Sophia answers happily hopping out of my arms. She went beside Tyler and began walking back up the wooden board walk. Tyler glances from behind and glares daggers at me before looking back in front of him and slowly walks out of view.

    "Sorry about him..." Connor sighs and rubs the back of his head nervously looking at me.

    "Oh uh, it's fine don't worry.." I look at him and back at the unknown place.

    "C'mon I'll show you around." He motions for me to follow him and I follow in suit. I step onto the boardwalk into the sunlight causing warmth to instantly hit my skin. The wind blows softly making the water flow gently and with each step the wood creaks. I look at the water and stop walking, staring at my reflection. My dyed, light, gray hair was disheveled and oily, like how a cloth is after you clean a murky surface. As I gently grab some of my hair the feeling of sandpaper hits my skin and I let go. There is dark, dried, blood spots on my now dirty pale skin that was darker from the dirt. I look like an old toy a child would find in an attic. I gingerly grasp a part of my midnight, black, long sleeve shirt that was thin as paper. It has holes and dirt all over it. My blue eyes switch to my navy blue jeans that were just as filthy as my shirt and had a hole where my knee is. My black combat boots were worn out and muddy resulting to me looking like I had rolled around in wet dirt.

"You coming?" Connor asks questioningly.

    "Yeah, sorry..." I reply, snapping out of my daze and walk beside him. The buildings were growing bigger as we got closer. There was one building in the middle that was the largest out of the others that made my curiosity grow as I stood in front of the ginormous structure. Some parts were chipping or had stains, however, it was clean as if the building was washed.

    "Connor!" A voice yells, coming closer. Connor looks over at a man in puzzlement. My gaze shifts to a tall man walking towards us. The sun hit his pale skin casting a shadow. His combed, dirty, blonde hair was shiny, as if he was sweating. His hazel eyes held concern as he stops walking and gazes down at Connor. "Why was there a huge bang from outside?" His questioning, stern voice held worry.

"I'm fine, Tyler shot at Natalie is all." Connor answers sighing.

"Who?" The eyes of the man supposedly named Henry notice me.

"..Hi.." I say, my voice going quiet. His body towers over mine blocking the sun from hitting my face.

"I saved her in the woods and thought it would be fine if I brought her here." Connor explains. Henry's eyes stare into mine before he lets out a sigh and brushes his hair back with his hand.

"Can I show her around?" Connor asks, looking up at Henry.

"Yes." He answers and holds his hand out to me. "Nice to meet you Nat, I'm Henry. The leader of this group." He introduces himself kindly. Blinking, I hesitantly grasp his hand and shake it softly.

"You too.." I reply, pulling my hand away.

"If you need anything ask, okay?" Henry says turning around and looks at me from behind. I nod and he turns his head straight and begins to walk before stopping. "Connor." Henry said, turning to face us. "Take Nat to Seth so she can get treated and wash up, okay?" Henry requests before walking off this time. I look at Connor, confusion written all over my face. 'Who's Seth?' I thought to myself. Motioning me to follow him, I linger next to Connor silently as my eyes scan around me. Connor, who was somehow able to read my face from before, answers my troubling expression.

"Seth is the doctor of our group. He's a smart guy and really nice."  He explains, opening the door for me. I nod and walk inside before being surrounded by home like objects. A couch was to the left with a rug, a table in the middle, and two other couches complementary of each other. A kitchen was to the right of me. The walls were a dove grey and the floor was made out of smooth, dark, wooden boards. I felt like I was in my own house almost forgetting about the situation going on. A cozy feeling spreads through my body making my muscles relax. Connor chuckles at my expression and leads me to a room behind the staircase. He opens the door and instantly I see three hospital beds pushed against the white wall. Cabinets hung on the wall full of medications and other things I didn't recognize. Then, a person came into my view.


Wonder who it is? ;o! Keep reading to find out! Hehe ;3


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