Moving On To The Street.

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Note :
(Y/N) = Your Name
(F/C) = Favourite Colour
(H/C) = Hair Colour
(E/C) = Eye Colour

"Ughhhh...." I moaned as I smacked my alarm off the table missing the"Snooze" button. "Wait!! Today's moving day!!" I squealed excitedly (like a little child at Christmas). Finally I could see Laurence and meet his friends!!I got up and literally sprinted to the shower and got ready afterwards. I put on a (F/C) crop top with some denim ripped jeans and messily slapped my hair into a bun. Today was the day I could finally see my brother!!!!
(Time Skip To When The Moving Van Comes - Brought To You By The Cyclops ( Zane)
The moving van came 10 minutes after I started watching anime (annoying or what ?!?). So I began to load everything into it until I got a text from Laurence.
( L - Laurence | Y - You )
L - Hey (Y/N) can't wait to see you !!🤗
Y - Me either , you better be ready to introduce me to your friends though! 😜
L - (Y/N)!!!Ugh you know I hate that face ! 🤣
Y - Laurence 😐 Anyway see you soon!!😜😜
L - Yeah ! 🤣
Laurence knows I hate that face (🤣)  and I know he hates that one (😜)!! Anyway I need to carry on loading the van !!!
(Time Skip To When Your On My Street - Brought To You By Travis's Pick up Lines)

I could finally see the street!!! I squealed again and jumped in my seat. The van stopped outside the house and I jumped out to take a look at it.  I stood and stared until I realised that I needed to get my boxes. Before I could move I felt hands cover my eyes - I knew who it was.
"Laurence!!" I squealed as I felt the hands move away from my eyes. I hugged him and he hugged me back.
" I've missed you (Y/N)" he hugs me tighter oblivious to the fact that a few people are just staring at us hugging in the middle of the street.
" Uh Laurence.............." I say trying to break the hug.
" Oh yeah......" he said breaking the hug looking a bit embarrassed.
"I should start unpacking" I say pointing at the van.
"Oh yeah , let me and some friends help!" Laurence said pulling out his phone. He began texting some people.

(Time Skip To When People Come To Help - Brought To You By My Little Horsies)

I began unpacking my boxes from the van when I noticed a group of boys coming towards us. One had blonde hair , another white and the last blue.
"Hey guys" Laurence said as the guy with the white hair noticed me and winked at me. I laughed and saw Laurence staring at him all evil like.

I put down the box and went to introduce myself.
"I'm (Y/N)" I said to them.
"Oh hey I'm Garroth"Said the guy with the blonde hair.
"Hey (Y/N) I'm Dante!" Said the guy with the blue hair.
"Hey baby, I'm Travis"Said the guy with the white hair. I giggled again while Laurence stared at him.We all began unpacking and by 4:00 everything was done.

"Thanks guys" I said to them.
"Anything for an angel like you especially when I can see your ---" Travis was interrupted by a hit to the stomach from Laurence.
"Nice Hit" Garroth said.
"Thanks"Laurence replied.
I giggled.

Everyone headed home after that and I watched anime and soon fell sleep.

Just to make it clear this is the year when Aphmau's  alone with no Aaron so that's when the story is set!

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2017 ⏰

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