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Close your eyes and imagine Pacifica, land of wealth: a huge green field inhabited by lush and fruitful trees, plenty of always-fresh vegetables, waterfalls and lakes of warm water,chirping birds, happy kids without troubles running after each other with a kite in their hands, young guys lying belly up on the grass looking at the clear sky without clouds. This is my home and I could never imagine a better place.

"Cameron! Cameron! Be carefull, take me!"

I was lying under the shadow of an oak when Anita jumped on me and hugged me and kissed my neck and my face.

"One day or an other you're gonna scare me"

"Come on, you laugh every time!"

"Of course but if you're gonna keep jumping on me as getting older, no more laughs but broken bones!"

"I remind you, my dear, that we are immortals and above all that you are the strongest pacific".

"After our father..."

"Exactly, after our father and after me! You will see, the day of my sixteenth birthday I'll gain my powers, I will nourish them and I'll become the strongest pacific!"

"Sure to be a pacific? You talk like a malefic"


"Mmm.. you're right, you're too beautiful and pure to be a malefic, but I'd be really happy if you become the strongest, I would never have to protect you"

Anita smiled at me and kissed my lips, then she got up, cleaned her skirt and gave me her hand.

"Let's go, we need you for the last arrangements"

"Gosh, the wedding!".

That day my youngest brother Derek and Aria Mintrelin, John Mintrelin's niece, would have got married. As pacifics we don't have any kind of power ambitions that's why kings and queens don't exist at all, but there are simply families considered important because capable of protecting the weakest.

During the sixteenth birthday every pacific gain three powers from luminoses: healing, conversion, nourishment. The first power is always used here in Pacifica to heal flora and fauna, but in reality luminoses gave us as a defense weapon against malefics: we're immortal beings for all the causes of death around us but not in front of malefics who can really kill us, if they find us and hurt us we would be able to recover immediately, thanks to the power of healing. Conversion, we've never used this power basically because there's no-one who need to be converted in Pacifica and because we don't use our powers without real threats. Conversion is an other defense weapon created by luminoses for us against malefics, this is our way of killing them, we're able to reach the deepest of their dead and no-beating  heart and transform it in a pacific one. Legends say that a malefic converted in a pacific is like a human being who dies and an other one who's born, that's why malefic soul stops to exist.

The third power, the nourishment, is the power we use most in Pacifica:the  more positive actions we make and the more the first two powers grow. According to the positive actions and the power gained we've been divided in Alfa families and beta ones. My family is alfa, the strongest one, we're responsible of protecting the whole faction, while Aria Mintrelin's family is at second place, after mine. So you're gonna understand how important this wedding was to us, and then I've never told you but pacifics love having parties, everything need to be set in the perfect way, during the thirteenth birthday of my sister Anita the festivities lasted a week.

Reached our barn, I saw my father and his sister Lia, sat around the table, with their eyes on a long parchment getting down the table like a tablecloth.

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