Chapter 3:

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I woke up tragically to the sound of Melcom banging on my room door telling me to get up. You're probably wondering why he doesn't just come inside and get me up but let me tell you something, after living with only boys for almost 2 years now you learn to lock your door even when you sleep.

I drag myself out of bed, take a quick shower and slip on denim shorts with a white floral tank top and grab my school bag that was lying on my study table.

I walk down the stairs to find my breakfast already made.

"Hurry up and eat, Em. We have to go. We're all talking one car today because Melcom's car and my car are gone for service." Emmett tells me.

I eat quickly and then we all file into Jack's car. We drop Justin of at pre-school first then Malcom at his work place because it's just down the street from Justin's school so that it's easy for him to fetch Justin after he finishes school. Next Jack drops me and Emmett at school. We say bye to Jack and jump out the car. Emmett kisses my forehead, "I'll see you at lunch." And goes his own way.

I make my way up the stairs of my school and walk to my locker. "EM!" I turn around to see Charlotte and Faith heading straight my way. They each give me a hug when they get to be and then the bell goes signaling that it's time for homeroom.


Ugh. 2 minutes left, only 2 minutes left of this torture that some people call English. 1 minute, just one. And the bell goes. I pack up my things and hurry out the classroom with Faith following behind me. I turn around and tell her I'll meet her at the cafeteria. She mutters an okay before going her own way.

I walk to my locker and dump my school bad inside and make my way to the cafeteria.

"Emmy." I freeze at the sound of those words. Only one person calls me that. Kevin.

I don't turn around,I just continue walking but I can hear his footsteps catching up to me and the next thing I know he's next to me. I stop waking. "What do you want, Kevin?"

"Please can we talk, Emmy."

"I have absolutely nothing to say to you, Kevin. And stop calling me that, I'm no longer 'Emmy' to you."

"Please, just let me explain."

"There's nothing to explain, Kevin. You cheated on me and that's that. Now leave me alone."

He grabs me elbow. I try to pull it away from him but he has a very firm grip,  "Please just come with me."

"No! I'm not coming with you!" I yell. Hey, don't judge. He's the third boy who broke my heart but unlike the other two, he promised me that he'd never break my heart. And here we are. Not only did he break my heart but he also broke a promise and he knows how much promises mean to me.

A voice whips me out my thoughts, "Leave her alone, Folly." I turn around to see the one and only, famous bad boy of our school, Austin King standing there with his hands on his hips, "She said no Folly, so leave her the fuck alone."

"It's none of you're damn hell business, King." Oh I forgot to tell you that Kevin and Austin hate each others guts. Kevin never told why. Hell he didn't even tell me that they hate each other because it's kind of one of those things that go without saying. Everyone at East High knows that they hate each other. Damn, even the teachers know.

Five more of Austin's friends show up and each give him that bro tap thing on the back. One of them- I think Rider Sharp (Austins best friend) asks, "Is there a problem here?"

"No, it all good. Kevin was just leaving", says Austin not even a second later.

Kevin looks from me to every single one of them. He's eyes not failing to miss even one. He realizes that there's no way he can leave with me by his side. He frowns, let's go of my elbow and says, "Me leaving now is not me giving up, Emma. I'll find you again when these scumbags aren't around" and then walks away.

Austin's friends all give him another one of those bro taps and leave. Leaving only me, Rider and Austin left.

I stare at my feet, too ashamed to look up at Austin because of the party incident and now this. "Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" Rider asks, forcing me to look up.

"No, I'm fine. Thanks for helping me." I say.

Rider smiles and says, "Don't thank me, thank Austin." He then turns to Austin and says, "I'll see you in the cafeteria, don't be too long. We need to talk." He walks away. As he walks I look between him and Austin. 

A short while passes and Austin clears his throat, finally getting rid of the awkwardness. I look at him and our eyes lock. He smirks, killing the moment that was so short that I think I might have imagined it, the famous smirk that everyone at East High was familiar with. "No need to thank me, yellow cupcake." He looked at me, winked then walked away. Leaving me standing shocked.

Yellow cupcake? What on earth. OMG! He called me that on purpose, that devil. The cupcake part because well he's a fuck-boy so what do you expect but the yellow part was because spongebob is yellow which means he remembers what happened at the party.

Oh my god. My life is officially ruined. I've completely made a fool out of myself twice, in front of Austin King.

What on earth am I going to do?


Hey guys.
I'm sorry I took long to publish... again. I'm going to try harder to publish quicker.

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, let me know what you guys think.

Oh and I only realized just now how short my chapters are, I'm so sorry. Going to start making it longer.

With Love: Samha🦄

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