Jack Gs POV
We had been back from Magcon for almost a year, and we had all gone our separate ways. That was until me and Jack J received a call from Bart last week saying that we are all travelling to the UK for more Magcon type things. Me and Jack Jnow had a record label and the UK had lots of music opportunities so we decided why not. All the other boys agreed and we were all so excited to see each other again and meet more fans.
Its now the night before we're leaving and me and Jack J are finishing packing, we re going to be in UK for at least 6 months so I've literally packed my entire wardrobe. Shawn has an aunt who lives in the UK and she's, from what I've heard, very rich, so me and all the boys will be staying in her house, it's like a Mansion.
'I can't believe how upset everyone was to see us go - actually I can believe it' said Jack, teary eyed.
We had just said goodbye to all of our family and are now sitting on the plane, waiting for it to take off.
'I can't wait to see everyone' I said drifting off to sleep.
10 hours later
'JACK GET UP WE'RE HERE' Jack J squealed in my ear
I looked up to see that we had landed in Gatwick airport, it was about 4pm, when we got off the plane I saw Nash, Taylor and Cameron running at us. The other boys obviously weren't here yet.
Ryan's POV
Marcy just got into a big fight with her boyfriend, Austin, I don't like him, he treats her like crap but she won't break up with him, he makes both of our lives a misery but Marcy just won't leave him.
'Do you know what Marc, I'm taking you out tonight, we are going up London and you are going to try and forget about Austin for tonight, okay?' I said
'Okay Ryan but where are we going to go, we're only 16 and 17, we can't get into any good clubs, oh wait, bring Charlie ,he's 20, he can get us into a good party' she said
'I feel bad using him, he might get the wrong idea, you know we had a thing once but that's over now, I don't want him thinking he can get with me again' I said.
Me and Charlie had a thing about a year or so ago but he's a lot older and wanted to do things I didn't, we didn't want it to ruin our friendship so we still talk, me and Marcy always use him to get into big London parties, he doesn't mind, I don't think...
Jacks Gs POV
All the boys had now arrived and we were on our way to Shawn's aunts house.
The boys always made fun of me because I've never had a serious girlfriend. We arrived at Shawn's aunts. She welcomed us all and jetlag hadn't kicked in yet, it was only 5:15pm so we decided to go explore London.
We all piled into a taxi that we called, and it took us straight into central London.
'I heard there is a party tonight, in some club, my mate Charlie told me, and apparently there are going to be some pretty hot chicks he's bringing' Cameron said
'IM IN' shouted matthew
'ME TOO' shouted carter
To be honest, I was tired and just wanted to get some food then go home but according to Cameron this party should be pretty good. We told the taxi driver the address of the club and off we went.
Ryan's POV
I was hesitant about asking Charlie to come with us due to what happened last time, when Charlie's drunk, he turns a bit, scary I suppose. But if it meant getting Marcy to forget about Austin for one night then I was fine with it. I don't know what she sees in that boy I really don't.
Me, Marcy and Charlie arrived at the club at about 7pm and Charlie said some of his friends from America were meeting us there, if they were hot I suppose I don't mind. We got out the taxi and off we went.
Hey guys, it will get better I promise, its just a starter chapter. Me and my friend are writing this but don't know whether or not to continue, if it gets enough read and votes we will. Vote, comment etc... Thankyou xo