Chapter Four

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Hey guys! I know that I haven't written anything for a little while but i'm pdating this story and hopefully a few others aswell. I hope that you all enjoy this update and I hope that you will comment and vote and fan. xoxo

*********************************************** Aleksandra POV ********************************************************

We walked into the front room and saw my Uncle Thor. I squealed happily and ran toward him and hugged his giant frame. "Uncle Thor!" I yelled excitedly, he leant down and hugged me back.

"Greetings lady Aleksandra." He called in his booming voice. I heard my phone go off in my bedroom and quickly ran to collect it. I saw that it was Chloe and I answered it, shushing my family.

"Hey Chloe." I spoke into the phone.

"Hey, ae you allowed to come tonight?" She asked me.

"I can't sorry. One of the people that my mother and father work with has come over and I need to stay." I answered, letting my annoyance slip into my voice to make it more beliveable. I heard her sigh on the the other side of the phone.

"Okay, I guess i'll see you tomorrow then Ali. Bye" I heard the phone beep signalling that she had hung up. I sighed before pocketing the phone and went to sit on the cream colour love seat.

"So, how come you're here?" I asked, looking at my second favourite uncle.

"I am to be a teacher at your school lady Aleksandra." He answered in his loud voice. I groaned silently before standing up. I walked into the kitchen and opened the large fridge. I grabbed a bottle of water and closed the door when I heard someone behind me. I turned around and saw my aunt Pepper.

"Hi Pepper" I smiled before walking back to the front room. "I'm going to my room okay? I have homework to do." I walked to my room and started to do my homework. Once I had finished, I got my clothes ready for tomorrow. I picked out a pair of light blue ripped skinny jeans, a plain white vest top, a light pink three quarter sleeve blazer and a pair of brown heels.

"Jarvis what time is it?" Imasked the A.I.

"It is almost twenty minutes to nine." He answered. I went for a shower and once out, I put my pajamas on and blow dried my hair straight. I grabbed my laptop and climbed into bed and checked Facebook before going to sleep.

********************* The next morning ************************

"Miss Aleksandra it is time to wake up." Jarvis spoke softly but loud enough to wake me. I climbed out of bed and got into the shower, being careful not to get my hair wet. After five minutes, I got out and got dressed into the clothes that I had picked out yesterday. I brushed my teeth and I put on some eyeliner before leaving my room.

"Good morning Aleksandra." My mother greeted me, smiling. I greeted her before taking a sip of the coffee she offered me. "Tony will be taking you today." I nodded and carried on drinking the coffee. "Do you have money for food?" She asked to which I responded in the negative. She grabbed my father's wallet from the side and took some money out, she handed me twenty dollars which I took and put in my pocket.

"Come on kid!" I heard my uncle Tony call, I smiled before waving to my mother and picking up a handbag and following Tony into the awaiting elevator.

So guys what do you think of the update, I know its not much but it will be updated either later on or tomorrow xoxo

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⏰ Last updated: 2 days ago ⏰

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