
4.4K 24 9


Aspens POV
Today's the day.

I'm getting married to my best friend.

I don't know how to react.

I'm standing in the room. Wedding dress on and everything.

Waiting to be announced.

They announce my name and I start walking out with my step father by my side.

I see Brookley in the front road sitting on my moms lap. She's smiling just that little smile with no teeth.

As I'm walking I see people I don't wanna see.

Ones that weren't invited.

Madison and Hailey.

"Hey girl." Madison says and stands up and walk over to jack. "Im sorry to have to ruin this for everyone. I think I deserve to marry jack. Not her. Jack was my boyfriend and this bitch decides to take him."

I see Madison with an evil look on her face.

"So, he was mine first. I deserve to marry him and be with him. I had him first." She says smiling.

"Madison. Please just leave. You weren't invited. I knew this is why you wanted to be my so called "friend" I know you're still jealous. Jack and I are getting married right now, we have a kid together. Leave us alone!" I say to her, trying to stay calm.

She leans in and kisses him.

He pushes her away. "Madison get the fuck away from me. This is exactly why I broke up with you. I don't want anything to do with you. I'm trying to get married to the girl of my dreams. She's my best friend, I only want her. Please leave and leave my family and I alone." Jack says escorting her out.

My dad walks me back up the aisle. I'm standing there waiting for jack.

Jack comes back and smiles at me.

With that we continue to get married.

Madison and Hailey got escorted out.

Sorry this chapter is very bad!

Super busy studying for finals but since I hit 100k reads today! I needed to update!

So sorry if this is horrible!!!

I love you all!!!!

Updating my other books too!!


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