Dragons of Peace and the War of Rezlandixia
Queen Atmosphere's Guide to Species and Alliances
Rock Pulvers
These dark brown dragons with light brown under bellies are muscled and larger than most species, with crests on the tops of their heads that resemble diamonds. They are incredibly strong and energetic. They breath fire in thick jets with a fairly long range and have talons and bones that are unbreakable, however their skin is vulnerable against Frost Bucklers' ice blasts. Rock Pulvers are able too blend into their environment which is the mountains. Their horns are short and their young are born in dirt coloured eggs. Rock Pulvers are allied with the Wave Eaters and the Storm Bringers.
Jet Blazers
Jet Blazers are dark red with long black horns and sand coloured under bellies. Instead of thick jets or wild beams of fire, the Jet Blazers shoot balls of fire from their mouths, which contain two rows of razor sharp teeth. Their wingspan is larger than all dragons except for Storm Bringers of course. Jet Blazers preferred environment is somewhere hot with much prey. Jet Blazers are allied with the Venom Spitters in the war.
Frost Bucklers
Frost Bucklers are white (and rarely black) with long light blue horns and teeth the colour of snow. Their tails are covered with spikes that resemble icicles and are deadly too all dragons. Frost Bucklers are brilliant architects, warriors, and writers. Their deadly ice blasts are basically extremely cold air bursts which can freeze wings and limbs rendering them fragile. Frost Bucklers are allied with the Iron Jaws and the Invisa Scales. Frost Bucklers only eat other predators.
Storm Bringers
Storm Bringers are light grey with enormous wings and long tails. Storm Bringers can shoot electricity at a short range and flap their wings too send bursts of air knocking their enemies out of the sky. Storm Bringers have long horns and short teeth. Storm Bringers prefer cold mountain caves as homes. Their young are able to fly the moment they are born. Storm Bringers prey on birds preferring ducks or eagles. They are allied with the Wave Eaters and the Rock Pulvers in the war.
Wave Eaters
Wave Eaters are aquamarine in colour and have six gills on each side of their necks. Their teeth are hooked for catching fish and their horns are short. Wave Eaters' gills close automatically when they leave the water and the lungs take over the breathing. Wave Eaters have indestructible claws that can tear a tree in half with one swipe. Wave Eaters are allied with the Rock Pulvers and the Storm Bringers.
Invisa Scales
Invisa Scales' only natural weapon other than their teeth, talons, etc is their ability to turn invisible at will, however only adults can do this. Invisa Scales are dark purple with glowing yellow eyes when visible. Often stereotyped by other species to be menacing and scary. Invisa Scales prey on hogs and deer. They prefer a warm flora hidden by forest. Invisa Scales are allied with the Frost Bucklers and the Iron Jaws.
Venom Spitters
Venom Spitters are thin, dark green dragons with two fangs instead of teeth that shoot purple venom which poisons scales and causes much pain. Venom Spitters have points on the ends of their tails that can stab a dragon and insert venom. Venom Spitters are faster runners than any other dragons. Their horns are long and curved upward. The Venom Spitters are allied with the Jet Blazers in the war.
Iron Jaws
Iron Jaws are larger than most dragons with silver scales and razor tipped wings.They are a frightening sight on the battlefield. Their clubbed tails can break bones and demolish structures. Iron Jaws shoot wild beams of fire that are hot enough to melt rock. Iron Jaws have stronger bites than Rock Pulvers. Iron Jaws are allied with the Frost Bucklers and the Invisa Scales, because of the Iron Jaws, they are winning the war.
Dragons of Peace Book 1
FantasyWhen different tribes wage war on one another, their greatest heroes must unite to save the world of dragons!