Home and Away-Forever

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Hey there. My names Mckenzie. Braxton. I have a twin called Maisy. Our parents are Ricky and Brax. But, as we are Braxton's, life is never exactly simple. And, from a third person account, I'm going to tell you the day me and a few others where kidnapped by the cult. This day, although we didn't know it at the time, would change all our lives forever. So, let's begin.

Mckenzie Braxton was sat in her living room, her sister was at the table doing school work(as usual) and there parents where at work. They where being watched by Irene, who was reading some true-life magazine. All of a sudden, a masked man smashed in the door. He had a gun.

"Hands in the air now!" He screamed.

They did as they where told. Who wouldn't?. After some panic, they were escorted into a car with blacked out windows. A note was left for Brax when he returned. It read..."Brax, I have your children. Much like when you took Ethan's. We have come for revenge. And times running out. You have until 12pm Wednesday to pay up £24,000. If you don't? You don't wanna know...

The police could not get involved. Brax knew exactly who had done this and he was not a man to mess with. Brax and Ricky's main concern was Mckenzie. They had a secret. Maisy, who was born with Asperger's syndrome, wasn't actually their daughter. She was the daughter of the man who had kidnapped them. Henry Cunningham. He was the leader of a cult, similar to the one Ethan had become involved in. Heath had originally taken the girl, who was 1 month old at the time, as her life was in danger. He had taken her to Ricky and Brax who by then had a 3 month old Mckenzie. They had reluctantly taken her in and raised her as their own. Maisy never spoke. She was trapped in her own little universe. The secret had been easier to keep. But now Henry had found her. He had taken away Brax and Ricky's true daughter. He would pay.

In a freezing, dark building somewhere in Summer Bay, Irene sat crying. They had been tethered to chairs, and left. Mckenzie was shouting threats to the kidnappers that weren't there. Endlessly shouting. Maisy was just sat. Irene wondered if she even knew what danger they were in. But she knew the Braxton's were coming. There own flesh and blood was in danger. Of course they were coming. But that didn't stop the waves of constant terror washing over Irene.

Kyle, Casey, Heath and Brax where sat in an empty Angelo's along with three men; friends of Kyle's. Bianca and Ricky had been sent to the beach. They were in tatters.

"I'll kill him. If I catch that scumbag I'll kill him"

"Heath, this isn't the time for empty threats. We need to work out a plan" said Kyle

"I know where they are. There at the cult retreat, the one deserted since Heath raided the place" informed Brax

"Right, then we go to them. Without the money."

"Hey, they won't give us the girls without the money Kyle" said Casey

"Oh, they will."

As Ricky and Bianca strolled on the beach, it was Bianca who broke down. Although Mckenzie was just her neice, Bianca loved her more than Heaths children. She loved Maisy too, but blood is thicker than water.

"Bianca, you have to snap out of it okay?" Said Ricky sternly.

"I can't Rick. Irene's in there too"

"I know it's hard B, but that's my family in there and I can hold it together. We have to be strong for them"

Bianca looked up and Ricky pulled her in for a hug.

Back at the Cult building, Mckenzie had stopped shouting. Her and Irene had a convosation on how best to deal with this situation. But it was all to much for Irene.

"If you and that girlie over there get hurt it's my fault" cried Irene

"Irene no. None of this is you. These people just want revenge. They would have come wether you were there or not"

Back at the diner, news had got round about the girls kidnapping. The diner had been closed and now Marilyn and Leah sat with Alf, worrying together over Irene.

"Oh god Alf, isn't there anything we can do? Asked Marilyn

"I'm afraid not. Those Braxton's can't go to the police so something dodgy must be going on"

"I do hope Irene's okay"

Leah didn't say anything. She just sat and prayed for Irene.

Back at the cult, a group of men had arrived. Mckenzie recognised one of them instantly. He was supposed to be the family's friend!


"It turns out you Braxtons aren't as clever as you make out, are you?"

Mckenzie said nothing.

"What do you want with us?" Asked Irene

"Your the bait. We say your in danger and like moths they will come. Like moths to flame".

The largest man of the group revealed a petrol can. It was full.

"This is in case your family decide to try something clever"

He began pouring it around the room.

"Please" said Irene. "There only young"

"Irene leave it. They're dogs. They wouldn't do anything yet. Blackmailers need hostages" said Mckenzie.

Whilst all this was going on, Maisy was secretly moved out of the room. Her father had come back for her.

"Where are you taking her! Where is my sister?! Shouted Mckenzie

"She's gone away. Now stop your shouting or there will be trouble" said the man with the petrol.

Back in the bay, the search for the money was becoming desperate. The Braxton's had taken all the money from the gym and the restaurant but they were still about $4000 short.

"We're just gonna have too go in there" said Kyle.

"And do what? That place is swarming with thugs. They'd kill us!" Exclaimed Casey.

"What if they've hurt them?" Asked Ricky.

They room was silent as everyone realised they were running out of time.

"Call the guys" said Brax

"Brax, no". Said Kyle

"We need the money. And last time I checked it wasn't your daughter in danger. So shut up and call them".

Back at the warehouse, Irene was slipping in and out of consciousness, due to a bang on the head she'd sustained during the kidnap.

"Irene, please, you need to try and stay awake"

"Whaaa?" She slurred slowly.

"Where are they. My parents, they should be here by now. Your injured, I'm scared and god knows where my sister is. If they lay so much as a finger on her I'll kill 'em"

A few doors down Maisy was tied to a chair and placed in front of her father.

"Hello. I'm the man you should be proud to call dad. I make money and people obey me. I'm a leader and I now control you. Those Braxton's are scum and you I don't want to here anything more about them, you here me?" Henry said.

Maisy remained in silence.

"What's wrong with you, are you stupid? TALK TO ME!"

Just then, there was a knock on the door...

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