Mike Imagine #1

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                There's Only You
Third time this week.
This is the third time this week Mike has bailed out on one of your dates. Noel had just texted you telling you that there was a party at his cabin. Since, Mike bailed on you, you thought 'Why Not?'. You went to change really quick before Spencer, Melissa, or your parents came home.

Once you got there, you said thanks to your friend for dropping you off

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Once you got there, you said thanks to your friend for dropping you off. Inside, everyone was having fun and dancing. Noel came up to you and handed you a red cup.

"Hey, Y/N, Where's Mike?", he asked.

"Not here, again. What is this?", you asked smelling the drink.

"The best for the best.", he said.

"And that is?"

"It's Hennessy.", he said, "So, Mike's not coming?"


1 Hour Later

You had just finished your fifth cup of Hennessy. You stumbled to the dance floor and ended up falling on someone. It was Noel.

"Wanna dance, Y/N?", he asked and you nodded. He grabbed onto your hips as you were grinding all up on him, "I think we should take this upstairs, Y/N."

He grabbed your hand and dragged you upstairs to his room. He started to kiss your neck but, then as soon as his lips touched your skin, you sobered up.

"Noel, Stop."

"I thought you wanted this."

"I have a boyfriend."

"That's never with you.", he was right. But this wasn't right. You stumbled down the stairs and took out your phone to call Mike.

"Hey, Mike. Babe, Can you pick me up from Noel's cabin?", you slurred out.

"Y/N, why are you at Noel's cabin? Are you drunk?", he asked.

"Maybe just a little."

"I'm busy, right now. Can't you ask someone else?", he said.

"Sure", you said disappointedly, "I knew you didn't have time for me anyway.", you mumbled.

"Wait, Y/N, I'll co-", you hung the phone up before he could finish. You thought of all the possible people that could come pick you up and that wouldn't tell on you.

Hey, Mona, can you come pick me up from Noel's cabin.

A couple seconds later she replied,

Sure, girly, I'll be there in 5 minutes.

When Mona got there it was complete silence. She dropped you off at home and no one was there. You went up to your room and immediately went to throw up. You felt someone hold your hair back as you threw up again.

"Are you okay, princess?", Mike asked.

"What are you doing here, Mike? I thought you were too busy.", you said.

"Prin-", he started but you cut him off.

"Don't 'Princess' me, Mike. You've ditched me 3 times. You're always too busy. You never have anytime for me.", you said.

"It's bec-"

"Who is she, Mike?", you asked. Tears falling from your eyes.

"What?", he said.

"Who is she? I know you're cheating on me.", you said.

"Y/N, I would never cheat on you.", he said.

"Then why aren't you ever WITH ME?", you yelled the end part.

"Cause, I was plan.....,", he whispered the last part.


"I was planning your surprise birthday party.", he said.


"Princess, do you actually think that I would cheat on you?", he asked while wrapping his arms around you.

"A little."

"Well, never think that ever again. There's only you.", he said and it made you smile. He dropped his head into the crook of your neck and then you felt him tense up.

"Why did you wear that to Noel's cabin? And why were you at Noel's cabin? And why does your neck smell like alcohol?", he asked getting mad.

"Babe, you ditched me so, I went to a party that Noel invited me to. I wore this because I thought you were going to pick me up. And my neck smells like alcohol because Noel started to kiss my neck and I realized what was going on so I ran away. Don't worry I would never cheat on you. Like you said 'There's only you'.", you said and he laughed.

"Okay but, I think since you have like 1/4 clothing covering you. We should just make that 0/4.", he said picking you up and throwing you on your bed.

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