🌜hapter 2

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It was gradually becoming night as I stepped into the woods.

I quickened my pace so I could get further into the woods faster.

As I speed walked I listened as the wild life slowly went from singing a memorizing dusk tune to one of which let you know is was in deed night.

I walked over a loge that was connecting two sides of a small river.

As I stepped off the log I decided it was time to rest for the night, so I put my bag down.

I noticed when I did that my potion had warn off, so I decided I would put more on after I changed.

I was about to change into something more conformable when natures lowly song was hauled by the snap of a twig.

I wiped my head around , but was caught by two strong arms that held in place so I could not move. " Stay still rough unless you wish to get hurt" said the man behind me that I could not see that was holding me.

I nodded my head and asked " were am I currently" in a voice void of any emotion.

Another guy walked in front of me and said " Blue Moon Pack" as he wiped his manly figure around telling the man holding me to take me to the Alpha. Restrained he added as we started walking.

We walked through the woods for what seemed like forever.

The man who I still had not yet seen held my wrist tougher behind my back , as we walked.

I was begging to wander how large their pack territory was when I looked at the moon and saw it had been about 3 hours.

When I looked back down I saw we were nearing a castle.

I didn't know who the blue moon pack was , but I played it like I did, but from what I could tell as I saw the castle in more detail they were definitely not a small poor pack.

The castle was massive, and had amazing architecture.

I was ripped from my viewing of the grand castle when the second man walked in front of me as we neared the castle.

I can't keep calling them man for ever I thought as we walked up the stairs.

As the massive doors opened I decided the man holding me was numbskull and the man I front of me was wall.

Wall asked the guard that opened the door for something.

Door guard nodded his head and grabbed something off a nearby ledge before handing it to wall.

As wall handed it to numbskull I saw that it was a pair of silver hand cuffs.

Wall thanked the guard as numbskull securely put the cuffs on me.

I noticed that they all had gloves on , and that made me remember that silver hurts normal werewolves.

That along with wolfs bane , but I'm not your average wolf I'm not hurt by silver however all werewolves are harmed by wolfs bane.

We walked down a maze of hauls and up some stairs as I got lost in my thoughts.

I came back to reality when we stoped abruptly at the end of a corridor in front of classically styled large doors.

Wall nocked on the door and the most hypnotic voice I had ever heard said " you may enter".

It was a low , silky , warn yet cold voice that sent shivers down my spine.

Wall boy opened the door and numbskull pushed he in quickly before closing it.

It was then I noticed the deadly delicious smell in the air.

I took a big sniff before looking at my surroundings.

I glanced around the room and briefly saw their were book shelves lining the walls , a balcony, and other stuff that I payed zero attention too.

What caught my eye was the man standing before I looked lower at the man who's smell was addictive sitting doing work at an orderly desk.

The man standing was observing me , as I was him.

He flexed a well defined muscle , as his brown hair blew slightly, and green shirt cringed as his green eyes were out of my sight went he reached down and whispers something in the others ear notifying that I was hear.

The man at the desks silver hair fizzled as he wiped Mia head up to inspect me.

To my surprise he was about my age not as old as I thought.

His ocean blue eyes twinkled he took a whiff of the air and examined me from my toes to my head were he met my eyes.

My body tensed like his did when we got lost in each other's eyes.

His sky blue eyes held so much love even though we did not know each other.

They were full of life , and were so vibrant as they peered into mine.

As I stared into his eyes only one word came to my mind and that was Mate.

He became angry as his eyes left mine and examined the hand cuffs his mouth watering muscles lightened more if possible under his blue shirt as he told the man standing that I know now as Mason to release me and go stand outside wince done.

Mason looked confused ,but did what he was told and released me before exiting the room.

The man got up from his desk and relaxed slowly until he was at complete tranquility when he stood four inches in front of me.

He touched my cheek softly, and the amazing tingles made an appearance. " My name is Aaron Iris what's yours" said Aaron with the voice I could listen to for hours without a care of the topic.

I was too lost in my thoughts of internally swooning over him that I did not answer.

That and a few other reasons , so I just stood there like an idiot.

He looked confused about why I didn't tell him my name but shook it off taking his hand from my cheek , as he asked "Is it ok if I call you Iris then?".

I nodded and he smiled even more.

He was about to say something , but was stoped when a little girl about 13 came barging in saying " Aaron come play with me"!

Aragon backed away from me slightly as the girl walked up to him.

She fixed her blue bow that hung loosely in front of her visible wolf ears, as she pated her silver hair down plat.

Aaron said " not right now" before pursuing her almost out the door , and slightly rankling her elegant blue and white dress.

She quickly spun around and said with beautiful pleading blue eyes "please".

He sighed before saying he had work to do and attempting to push her out once again , but she said she wouldn't move until he played with her.

He said "no I have work" as he tried once again, but then she said " fine then let me play with her" pointing to me.

I was shocked like Aaron , but before either off us could say anything I was half way down the hall with her pulling me.

So what do you guys think?

Give me a name suggestion for the 'little girl'  if you think of one.

Thanks for reading!

Words: 1222

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