The Games

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What she said next shocked me what did she mean by those words.

"I'm sorry. . . Natsu I didn't mean for it to go this far but I can't come back to the guild" She said while tears were running down her face.

I tried to run after her but it was too late she was already gone what did she mean by all those stuff. I walked slowly to the guild knowing that Mirajane was going to kill me but I was ready for it. I walked past the guild doors and everyone's eyes were laid on me.

"Natsu are you stupid we were going to have new member but you scared her off!" Mirajane yelled at me.

"But Mira I ju-"

"Calm down you little brats I have an announcement to make." Master Macarov interrupted me.

Everyone in the guild stops what they are doing to hear what the master has to say.

"Now the Grand Magic Games are coming up and I am picking the people to go. There is going to be a Team A and a Team B." He yelled

I totally forgot about the games I was to busy chasing that girl. I started walking closer to the railing that the master was standing on.

"On team A is Erza, Gray, Gajeel, Wendy, and Natsu and the backup is Elfman. The B team is Mirajane, Juvia, Laxus, Jellal, and Cana the backup is going to be Lisanna." the master spoke up so everyone in the guild could hear.

Looks like im going to be in the games again and maybe this year instead of being in third we could be in first place but we will have to wait and see.


After I got away from Natsu I started looking for a guild and I ended up in front of Sabertooth somehow. I pushed open the guild doors and all eyes were on me and no other but the legendary Sting walked up to me.

"What are you doing here?" he asked

" see...I-" I was stuttering.

"Just spit it out." Sting said impatiently

"I want to join your guild!" I blurted out while closing my eyes.

He just looked at me for a while and I suddenly looked at him. We were staring at each other until the silence was broken by Sting laughing really loud and really hard. I just stood there and what I didn't realize was that everyone in the guild was listening and watching us from the beginning of the conversation.

Everyone in the guild started laughing they thought I was to weak and too young and this made me angry and you don't want to make me angry.

A bright light started to form around me and that made everyone be quiet and it started to swirl around me and I started to change. My hair turned from blue to a bright white color and my hazel eyes changed to a bright red.

New clothes started to form around me so instead of my skirt and shirt I had a white strapless dress and a star crown on my head and my voice also changed from sweet and innocent to queen like.

Everyone was quiet and looking at me in shock.

"You want to laugh at me well I will show you if I am to be laughed at!" I yelled in anger.

I lifted my hand right in front of Sting and he started to gasp for air everyone looked in fear. I clenched my hand and his body started to squeeze together then Rouge ran up to me.

"Stop your going to kill him!" He yelled in fear and in concern for his brother.

I snapped my head at him and gave him death glares and he just started at me with true and utter fear. Then every chair and table in the room started floating. I looked back at Sting who was still gasping for air.

I released him, he fell to the ground taking a huge breath of air. Rouge ran to his side and asked if he was ok and Sting said yes.

"Now am I someone to laugh at still!" I said with pure anger.

Everyone started to back up into a corner of a room. I looked around the room at the floating tables and chairs. I started to chuckle and it was a terrifying chuckle that would make anyone cringe in fear.

"Moyasu" I said as I laughed

After I said that I lifted up my hand in the air and made all the tables and chairs swirl in a big fast circle. I could smell the fear, desperation, and the smoke in the air.

"You are going to wish you never laughed at me." I grinned and moved my hand in front of people in the corner and there was a big boom and smoke every where.

When the smoke faded away I saw Minerva in front of the wizards I guess she blocked my attack. Then another bright light shone around me. I saw some wizards looking in fear again but I changed back into my old self . I lightly chuckled knowing that I was in a big load of trouble.

"Who are you and why are you here attacking my guild." she said sternly.

"Umm I am Kazuko and I wanted to join your guild but people started laughing and I got a little angry and I guess I did a little damage hehe. . . gomen everyone." I said facing the wizards and bowing.

"Well no doubt you have power I almost wasn't able to deflect that attack." She said as I looked at her arm and it was burnt a little.

"I want to take you to the master." She said while grabbing my arm and dragging me to the masters office.


I walked out and walked over to Sting and Rouge and they flinched when they saw me.

"W-w-w-what do you want!" Sting started to say.

"I wanted to say sorry for almost killing you but that just says not to mess with me." I titled my head to the side and smiled.

He looked at me for a while then he smiled right back and then we started laughing for no reason.

"So are you a new member of Sabertooth?" Sting asked.

"Yeah I am." I smiled and looked at a confused Sting.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Where is your guild mark?" he asked in confusion

"Oh well see the mark on my stomach. Well turns out that whenever I try to put another mark on my body it erases it so I'm just going to wear clothing that have the guild symbol on it." I said as I pointed to the gloves that I just got and the mark on my stomach.

"Listen up everyone!" said a voice behind me.

I turned around to see who it was and it was the master.

"Now I have some important news!"

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