22 October 7:46 AM
We have arrived at our destination we are now placing our cameras in different locations max is setting a camera down the corridor on the right Chris is setting a camera on the second floor while I set one on the third floor. Liyana is setting up our spot where we are camping out.
22 October 9:00 PM
We will now be collecting our cameras to see if we have collected any ghost photage Liyana has found a Fire escape door on the 24 October we will be going out from there.
23 October 2:21 AM
We have been woken up because our only lamp has fallen over but not broken. Max has been gone for more then three hours I fear he is dead it's suddenly very cold I feel as if my body is going to freeze I shall be the first on watch to stop the lamp from falling.
23 October 7:00 AM
Something is not right we have not seen max come back but we have been met by another man who came in through the fire exit. His name is micheal he seems like a nice guy but he said this place is very weird .Its cold but there are no windows micheal managed to whisper.
23 October 5:11 PM
We decide to go search for max. We went as a group on case if we encounter anything hostile. We took out our torches and went.
23 October 6:00 PM
No sign of max still searching. We think something is on the move .
23 October 7:00 PM
We just saw a figure in a hospital suit run across the hallway in to the bathroom. Going into the bathroom now we see the figure looks feminine .
23 October 7:06 PM
We are now in the janitors room. Micheal was captured by the figure so he must be dead.
23 October 7:10 PM
We go in search of max again. Now we will only use one torch at a time .
23 October 7:30 PM
We found max In one of the abandoned rooms we have locked the door. Max now seems like a crazy Person and he is saying nothing to us. We are going to sleep while we can. Liyana has a high fever so I have given her a sleeping pill.
24 October 5:00 AM
There's hands everywhere what is going on.
24 October 5:10 AM
We found an elevator the buttons aren't working. We also found a bathroom.
Oh no! There is a bathtub full of blood in the bathroom max get away from there. come on chris pull him away from there its gross and you have a stomach of iron. SHIT!!!!!!!! chris F*** No what the F*** CHRIS WHAT THE F*** MAN WHAT WAS THAT!!!!!
24 October 5:40 AM
We ran away from the bathroom what happened was something puleed chris in to the bath tub and when we poked the bath there was nothing in there. Liyana is trying to open the elevator shaft.
24 October 7:00 AM
i helped Liyana open the shaft i was hard and tiring. we are going to go up the ladder on the side of the shaft now.
24 October 7:10 AM
we are at the third floor now we lost micheal and chris this cant be happening. Liyana look its a fire escape to the roof let go up those stairs! WHAT!!!!! THE!!!! FFFFF***!!!!!!! its blocked there is only a wall where the door to the roof should be!!!!! THIS IS NOT HAPPENING I NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE!!!!!! Liyana are you ok? Joshua i am bleeding on my back take off my shirt!!!
oh my god there is hello written on your back!!!!!!
24 October 9:00AM
We have no chance of getting out of here we are all going to die. Is that chris look he is coming towards us now. Chris!!! Chris !!!! Chris its us !!!!!!!!
24 October 8:00PM
i lost Liyana i lost everything!!!!!!!! I am now hiding underground so the ghosts cant find me!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA LOOK FOOD!!!! its a delicious rat !!!!!
25 October 1:00 AM
i cant see anything any more i think i am dying this will be my last video entry then.