The present demigods

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Everything was more or less peaceful at camp half blood.

12 year old Percy Jackson was getting used to his new home. Even with the incident with his mother, he was learning to get along with camp half blood.

Read the first line again, yeah, the key word is was. At lunch when the whole camp was at the dining pavilion, a note fluttered from the sky.

Everyone noticed the note and wondered, since when does Zeus drop notes?

It was soon proven wrong when the note landed in front of Chiron. He picked it up and read it.

*"Dear demigods, satyrs, and Chiron,

This message is from the Fates. We were bored. And so we decided to send some demigods from the future into the past. The beings of this time will forget this encounter ever happened.

Also, some demigods of the present shall come here too.

PS. Chiron, you should inform the children about the romans. There will be roman demigods.

PPS. Time is frozen until we say so.*

"Well, that was an ..... Interesting letter."

And so, it took Chiron about two hour to explain to and calm down the demigods. After that, the demigods were seated and excited to meet future demigods.

Suddenly there was a bright light and a lot of screaming. Then six kids fell out as the light died down.

First was a boy with cropped blonde hair and electric blue eyes, then a tall and buff for his age boy who looked a bit Asian with black hair and brown eyes.

Next was a girl with cinnamon colored hair and gold eyes. After her, followed a girl with choppy brown hair and kaleidoscopic eyes.

Then a seriously ADHD looking scrawny kid with curly greasy hair who should really be a latina Santa's elf. Finally a really young boy with onyx eyes and black hair came up front.

All of them looked confusedly to their surroundings. And another letter followed

*these are the demigods from the present. Jason and Hazel can state their godly parentage themselves. And this letter will show the parentage of the rest.*

Chiron went and explained everything to the new demigods.

The boy with blonde hair and blue eyes stepped forward
"Jason Grace, son of Jupiter" everyone gasped at his being a child of the big three.

Then the girl with cinnamon hair and gold eyes came forward, " Hazel Levesque, daughter of Pluto." Gasps again.

Then Chiron looked at the letter again and started reading,

"Piper McLean, daughter of Aphrodite" the girl with choppy brown hair (who Jason was discretely glancing at) was whisked off towards the Aphrodite table.

" Leo Valdez, son of Hephaestus, Frank Zhang, son of Mars " Frank and Leo was taken to their respective tables.

"Nico di Angelo, son of Hades" dead silence.

Nico was sent to the Hermes table to sit.

Just when he took a seat there was a blinding light and four teenagers came out.

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