mister LAMER

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(this is kind of sequal to not so alone you should check it out some time hope u like this short story!)

its third period the air is thick with the smell of sweat and hormones, you are impatient waiting for him to call you down to the office. the phone rings once, twice three times and the teacher picks it up ans she said "okay, il tell her to come down, bye." she turns to me then explains "i dont know why but the principle wants to see you." i nod and start walking waiting hoping for an answer. Earlier that week you where having a discution with you parent to switch out of you home room where all the popular kids where. you where alone perhaps even invisible, so you asked to change to the class where all your friends where this is really important to me. When you reach the office the secretary asks you to go in once you sit down you realize, your shaking. The principle turns around and tells you " well I have done everything that I can but I cannot switch you." You look at him saddened by his answer the he adds to himself "if there is anything els going on you can talk to me." I take a deep breath and explain to him about this kid that has been bullying you and he said "thank you for bringing this up to me I will have to talk to him later." I nod dry my tears and head off to gym. A week later nothing has changed he was still being mean. I tell this to my friends and say " well that's mister LAMER for you, he never does anything about bullying." You look at your friends dis made and they continue on " ya that's why that girl last year committed suicide she told him her problem and he said he would look into it. He never did from that point on we all started calling him mister LAMER instead of lameir." And very day since then I referred to him as mister LAMER.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2014 ⏰

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