A New School Year

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Narrative POV
Chris and Mia walk into school and while they were walking they were talking about what activities they were in and what classes they were in. Meanwhile Jesse and Hunk walked into school through the other door and they were talking about what sports they were in and where the locker rooms were. Chris and Mia were so into their conversation that they didn't even see the two boys coming their way. Hunk and Jesse were so busy flirting with girls,actually Jesse was flirting and Hunk was trying to make him stop, that they didn't even see the girl and boy in front of them. They clashed and fell to the floor. "I'm so sorry we weren't looking where we were going" Hunk and Chris apologized at the same time then looked at each other and started smiling. "It's ok we should have been looking too" Mia and Jesse replied at the same time and they all started laughing. "The names Jesse" Jesse said as he stood up and helped Chris up. "Thanks Jesse," Chris said "my names Christopher but my friends-" he got interrupted by Mia. "Friend" Mia said plainly, Chris glared at her a little bit and continued " my FRIEND calls me Chris." Hunk got up and helped Mia up "thanks my names Mia what's yours" Mia said. Hunk looked to the side,blushing a little, mumbled "my names hunk" so quietly nobody could hear him. "What?" Mia asked, "m-my n-names Hunk" Hunk stuttered a little but was loud enough for Mia to hear. Her face lit up "THAT'S SUCH A COOL NAME YOU'RE SO LUCKY" Mia said and at this Hunks face grew even more red but smiled and said "thanks I like your name too." Mia was totally oblivious to his blushing, or at least she acted like it, and asked "what class are you guys going to first?" "I'm going to bio first Hunk here is going to computer science first" Jesse answered patting Hunk on the back. "COOL I'M GOING TO COMPUTER SCIENCE FIRST TOO" Mia said really happy she had someone to talk to first hour "COME ON LET'S GO" she said grabbing Hunk's arm pulling him with her to their first class. Jesse and Chris laughed and Jesse asked "what about you? What do you have first?" "Same as you" Chris replied "we better hurry too or else we're gonna be late." They walked to their first class together. Once they got into class Chris and Jesse sat together so they could talk to somebody they knew.

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