Whylde Academy: Chronicles

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The rain seeped into the freshly turned soil, lightening making bright cracks in the stormy skies slowly a hand pushed to the surface begging to be free from his dirt prison. He had made this trip back to land on many occasions since his awakening always tired, always drained as his head presented itself to the world driven with poverty and hate for the upper class. His chest gave a suffocated heave taking in muck filled air with a groan and a thud the half of his body that was free lay over the grave, hi hair filled with mud changing his blonde hair, his skin exposed to the cruel elements he could no longer find the strength to keep moving this job was more vicious to his body than usual leaving him weak, pale, sickly almost as if the plague that ravaged the land had lay his hand upon this boy but there was more than meets the eyes to this boy. footsteps splashing in the mud drew closer lateens and a deep husky voices muttering between themselves this was the last things he heard and saw before he circummed to the darkness.

"can you run?" he whispered to me, I was so scared and cold but I knew I was safe at the sametime when I was with him I knew no matter what happen we'd be ok. Sensing my fears he cupped my cheeks in his hands so warm I leaned my head into them embracing the touch "I promise I will take you away from here and we'll be together forever." his voice so comforting and smooth as the tears slipped down my cheek I nodded I was sad scared a mix of emotions that was slowly bubbling to the surface, his lips pressed to my forehead his thumb brushing gently over my cheek removing my tears "don't cry, love it'll be ok I promise." he always knew what to say to me to make it ok his lips came down on mine delicately, tenderly something I really needed my arms wrapped around his neck just a moment longer is all I wanted and he gave me that before whispering as he pressed his forehead to mine "we have to run now my love I love you so much but we have to run." his hand gripped mine and suddenly we were making our break for freedom. The grass paddocks were so close to the touch relief surged through me. When his hand was gone from mine I knew something was wrong and then I remembered the sound. Before, I turned I knew what had happen I knew what I was gonna see but it didn't stop the pain when I saw him laying on the ground the blood soaking through his clothes caught my eyes and I just dropped to my knees as the screams let loose.I was devastated.

"Sky, come away from him!" my father ordered, but I refused to listen I refused to even comprehend what had just happen. I just shook my head, cried and sobbed as I pulled him to me I just couldn't believe it his skin already becoming cold to the touch "how could you do this!" I sobbed into his chest "how could you take him from me." It was my mother voice I heard next "skylar my darling please come" her hand held out to me to take but we were meant to be I thought, I shook my head denying the advance wrapping my arms around him I began to drag him towards the paddock "We'll be together like you promised forever." another shot rang out into the night this time the bullet lodged in my chest sending me off my feet "skylar!" a voice screamed but the dark was already pulling me in.

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