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Kaimei High School, Tokyo, April 2011 

Aoi woke up to the incessantly irritating ringing of the alarm bell. Incessant it was in fact, when Aoi discovered to his misfortune that he woke up an hour too late.

It was 7:30 AM. 'Oh Shit!!!' Aoi groaned again, realising that he had only an hour left before class started. It was the first day of High school, and things wouldn't bode well for Aoi if he were to be late.

Rising up from the bed all of a sudden, he rushed towards his closet, grabbing anything from it that remotely resembled the school uniform, wore it in a hurry and rushed downstairs. Coming downstairs, Aoi looked around and realised that no one was at home. 'Mum probably would've left for work already. Anyway let me grab something to eat,' Aoi thought to himself as he began rummaging around the fridge to look for something to eat. Grabbing a Melon bread packet adorned with a pink post-it stating his name , Aoi left for school.

He decided to finish the Melon bread at train station so as not to get in trouble for eating on the train which was against the rules. As it were, he had enough time to catch the 7:55 train, which would take him directly to the train station near school.

The train arrived. Aoi took a deep breath and entered through the its doors.

"It's going to be great today. I know it will be. I just gotta be at my best."

Aoi thought happily to himself, doing a fist bump in the air, failing to realise that his first day at High School may take him for quite a surprise.

Author's Note (A/N):-

Ohayouuugozaimasuuu Minna-san ^_^ (T/L:Good morning everyone) 

Here's my fan fiction on Sket Dance, a manga series  written and illustrated by Kenta Shinohara . That being said credits for the characters in this plot, who come from the original manga series  belongs to Shinohara Sensei. On the other hand, I have complete copyrights and due credits over, characters I've made who will be a part of this story and never made appearance in any of Shinohara Sensei's works.

All said and done, Lost and Loved is a fanfiction so there will be major deviations from the original plot of the manga, but a few story arcs from Manga may come over, but it will give more insight and a differing perspective on the original Manga Characters. Yes Sket-Dan will get their due share of scenes so don't worry.

But do remember, this is Aoi's High School life we're dealing with now. It's an obvious fact that the plot will focus on Aoi and his relations with other characters. And Aoi alone too. So bear that in mind as you read Aoi's story.

And like always, comment whenever you want, vote if you liked it and if possible constructive critique would be very much welcome.

This chapter's dedicated to my dearest editor @Weirdi,who's a crazy bibliophile just like me! If it weren't for her and our late night conversations, this story would be non existent. Like literally.

Thanks y'all :P


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