Positives of Negatives

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It's kinda pointless in end. You'll be dead one day. You can't avoid that. You're family will all be dead. After time, everyone you knew will be dead. All of mankind will be dead one day, and there will be no one left to remember that you ever existed. I don't mean to be a downer, but it's all true. You can spend your life however you want. And with that there's two kinds of people in this world when it comes to life. Obviously, there are the ones who live it to the fullest, and the ones who waste it away. Honestly, I feel like I'm wasting my life away.

And besides that, you can be dead when you're still alive.

I lean against the wooden countertop. It gets really slow here for about an hour after school. If you're wondering what "here" is, it's an old pie shop. Smith's Pie Shop, to be exact. It's a small building, placed snugly near the road, with a very small dirt parking lot. And the shop is on a large farm, so there's the smell of manure here everyday. The smell doesn't bother me at all. To me it feels more inviting, and cozy. Next to the parking lot there is a dirt path, that leads the the silos and cow barn. It's also on the border of two counties, and easy to miss, so only a total of five people work here.

Britney was sick today, so I had cashier duty. I'd rather be in the back making pies. I couldn't really make any pies either. My hand is all bandaged up.

I grab my iPod from my back pocket and stick the earbuds in my ear. I don't think Ms. Smith'll mind, i think she knows it slow around this time. I glance out the side window, but the far right wall, where all the pies are displayed. It's a calm, sunny, early summer day. The smell of freshly baked pies drifts lazily in the air.

The song begins playing. I Write Sins Not Tragedies, I mean. I click the cash register open, and check how much money we have. As I begin to do this, Garry, the store cat, hops onto the counter and curiously sniffs the register. Closing the register, I begun to pet him. He's a nice, faded orange cat, with white patches. He begins purring, and I can't help but to smile. I wasn't allowed to pet him because I had to go straight into the the back to bake. There's a little door by the far end of the counter, tucked away from the rest of the store front. Behind that door is where the pie making happens. The toll house pie is by far the best pie we have here, especially when it's freshly baked.

Garry hops down and heads to another counter, where he curls up and tried to sleep. My gaze shifts to outside the window.

My mind drifts off to earlier today. In Spanish class, I tripped on my way up to the board to conjugate some verbs. Most people laughed at me. It didn't bother me so much, and I laughed it off too. After the bell rang in the hallway, a guy, Matt, made a comment.

"I could make you go down, like you did in class, tonight." He had said, placing his arm around me, his hand hanging too close to my boob. I couldn't comprehend that quickly.

"What do you say, tonight at your place?" He said with a ugly grin. I shook his shoulder off. There, in the middle of the hallway, I stopped walking and stared at him.

"You are disgusting. You won't go anywhere good in life." I had said with a stern face, staring him right in his greedy eyes. He scowled. Before he could say or do anything, I left him, standing there with that scowl and slight awe on his face. Today was the first day I stood up to that douche. It feels great, well, until it got worse.

The last bell rang for us to leave school, and as the other kids I was thrilled to get the hell out of there. My last period was science, and Mrs. Jackson wouldn't let you leave until you had finished all the notes. Honestly, I would've lied and said I had finished them, like most people. Except for one problem. Her tests are the hardest to pass, so you kinda need notes to study from. We got out five minutes late and most people were pissed.

I got to my locker and put my notebook, which is the only thing I ever carry around, except for my pencil, into my book bag. Closing my locker, Matt quickly appeared. Most people had left already and I started to get nervous.

I began to walk away from him and towards the exit.

"Hey, bitch!" He called out from behind me. Ignoring him, I kept walking. I couldn't tell what his tone of voice was either. My feet couldn't help but to walk faster.

Footsteps that didn't belong to me echoed from down the hallway. I walked down the stairs and opened the exit door at the bottom of them. The door slowly closed and clicked shut behind me.

My pace slowed. I start to head down the school sidewalk that would eventually lead to a crosswalk. From there i would walk the rest to work. It wasn't long until the door opened again. I didn't bother to turn around, I already knew who it was.

"Don't ignore me when I talk to you, you skank!" Matt called angrily from behind me.

My pace stayed its normal rate, and confidently, I raised my right hand high in the air, flipping him off.

His footsteps grew louder and louder and faster. I felt his knuckles connect with my right shoulder blade. I'm not exactly the strongest, or sturdiest person out there, so I tumbled to the ground.

Trying to catch myself, but in the process a rock lodged itself in my hand. It stuck in the bottom part of my palm, in my left hand. I began to freak out, because the rock was a fairly averaged sized one and half of it was in my hand and the other half wasn't. I slowly got up and moved my hand slowly. The shock was terrifying from it.

"That's what you get for being that way to me earlier, bitch." He laughed. I broke the gaze from my hand and stared at him. I started to walk back to the doors I came out of. He stood in the same spot and as I passed him and punched him across the face as hard as I could with my right hand. His head turned with the punch and I calmly walked back I into the doors again, and headed to the nurse.

I regret punching him and at the same time I loved it. I-

A finger pokes my shoulder, interrupting my thoughts. Instinctively, I flinch. In front of the counter, stood a guy. His hair was brown, not too light or too dark. It's wavy with some curls, and messy, but it looked to be messy on purpose. He wore a black beanie over his messy hair. He has light blue eyes, and a few freckles on his cheeks and nose.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2014 ⏰

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