Chapter 1

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"Arya!!" Mom yelled my name, my eye slowly cracks open. It's Saturday though!! To early to be awake! Go away mom! "Wake up! You know the meeting is at 10:00! Hurry up, you have a half an hour!"

  Oh crap. My eyes burst open in less than half a second. I jumped out of bed, feeling like a ninja for a short moment, I kicked the covers off of me, feeling their warm touch leave my skin bare. I ran into the giant bathroom, trying to throw my t-shirt off while attempting to close my door with one foot. This meeting was for my singing and acting career, I've already started songs and all that, this is for a movie interview. I turned the thing for the water to turn on while I slipped off my spandex, yes I where that to sleep, it's freaking California, it's hot as fuck! I looked at my phone and let it be, music never helped me go faster in the shower anyway.

  I didn't bother putting my hand in the water and I just hopped into the shower. Big mistake. The cold water dripped along my skin making me colder than before. Oh SHHHH---oot. Yeah shoot, that's what I was going to say.

  I quickly grabbed my shampoo and pumped it once in my hand. I rubbed my hands together and quickly scrubbed my scalp. I let the water rinse it out a little and then went to my conditioner, I pumped it twice because my hair is thick anyway. I rubbed my hands together again and trailed it down my hair, making sure the conditioner actually reached all of my hair. I hated it if it wasn't soft.
I quickly took my body wash and scrubbed it all over my body quickly and finished up everything. It wasn't as thorough as every other morning but fuck it today. I did a quick scrub through my hair and turned the water off. I grabbed my blue towel and wrapped it around myself, rushing to get ready.

  "Arya!!" Dad called up, I hear him knocking on the bathroom door right outside. "Hurry up!! Twenty minutes and you haven't eaten yet!"

  "Okay dad! I can do it!" I called out to him. Be patient would you? I'm doing my best to hurry, my career not yours!

  I hear him take a sharp breath, I know he's checking his gold watch. "Well hurry up! You should hurry like you did with..." dad trails off and I freeze while putting on my shirt. He's talking about Brandon, I feel the emotions start to come up, my eyes begin to water.

  I wipe them quickly and put my black hooded shirt on. "Okay dad, I'll meet you at the car." I told him. My shirt was sorta like a sweatshirt with no sleeves, it's black and has the hood like any normal sweatshirt, I know but it was my best friends description, so don't judge me! I put on my white short shorts, because it's so fucking hot, I hate these shorts but it's all I got! I pick up my socks and basically fall on my butt to put them on. I slip on my black converse, tie them and grab my hair dryer.

  Normally I wouldn't use this but it's all I can do in a hurry. I blow dry my hair enough to where it's still wet but it's kinda dry. My hair is naturally wavy and thick and when I blow dry it all the way it's straight and I don't like it straight. I pick up my brush and comb through my hair quickly so I could brush my teeth. The mint put a sting in my mouth but I ignored it as I cleaned my perfectly white teeth.

  After a few more small moments I spit out the disgusting thing because I never liked toothpaste in my mouth, just was never natural to me. I quickly washed out my mouth and washed my face, rushing to a smaller blue towel on the side of the sink being held up by a circular silver hanger and wiping my face dry.

  I picked up my pjs, grabbed my phone, and unlocked the bathroom door. I fast-walk through my room, throwing my pjs on the bed and rushing to the stairs of the house. I basically run, I'm trying to get down fast so I can at least grab something small. I look at my Galaxy S7 Edge, it's turqoise outer layer touching my fingers and the softer black part that's under it. I look at the time, pressing the off button to see I have 5 minutes to be out.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2017 ⏰

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