episode one

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yoongi and hoseok had known each other for as long as they could remember. memories of throwing sand into each other's hoods and stealing sweets from teachers desks, glimpses of the past that neither have forgotten. choosing a favourite colour, choosing a favourite animal, all of which they did together. discovering all sorts of different things together; practically spending every waking second in each other's presence. they always shared the same views of big things, such as politics and their ideas of love. everything seemed unlikely, having somebody so close and having the exact same ideas of how earth works to them. it was something out of a dream, a dream in which hoseok didn't want to wake up.

as much as hoseok didn't want to wake up from this dreamlike relationship, yoongi was technically his wakeup call to the real world. he knew that it was unlikely he would be accepted into modern korean society, everything seemed old fashioned despite the country being so developed. yoongi had managed to get that through to him in the calmest way possible, and he couldn't have been more grateful to have him around as his conscience. his word was what mattered, as it was nearly always the same as his own.

saturday nights were their nights, they would spend their evenings playing video games that they buy for each other, refusing to advance if the other wasn't there. once it became too dark and tiredness began to control their limbs, they would fall back onto yoongi's bed and stare at the ceiling, talking about whatever either of them could think about. it never seemed to matter what they talked about, they could always find something to spark a conversation that could last an hour. nothing bored them, not even silence.

university practically hit them in the face. dorms were moved into and majors were chosen. hoseok chose dance and yoongi chose music, and refused to be pulled apart by the forces of schoolwork. no matter the amount of schoolwork or revision one would have, there would always be time for saturdays with their best friend.

one night, things changed. not completely, not dramatically, but there was a swift change in hoseok. something seemed to click in his mind when yoongi collapsed into his neck, spewing out his worries into him and clinging onto him for dear life, arms wrapped around the small of his back. while hoseok whispered words of encouragement into his ear and stroked a hand through his black locks, it finally came to light that maybe hoseok liked yoongi more than he should. he didn't let this discovery effect how he was to work, he still invited the boy into his dorm and allowed him to become comfortable, lying down next to hoseok under the covers and unravelling himself in front of the younger. in all honesty neither saw the age difference as a problem - hoseok had begun school a year early due to his advancement in learning his basic abilities. because of this the pair were in the same school year, creating such an easier life for the two.

university life was easier with each other around. this was until yoongi met dean, a troublesome older boy who had a fascination for rap alongside yoongi. hoseok found himself alone after lessons, watching as yoongi rapped underground with dean, despite how much he bitched about how much he hated him. it didn't look like he hated him, certainly not from where hoseok was stood.

it, for the most part, was not fair. hoseok treated yoongi well and didn't deserve to be ditched, most certainly for a troublesome fellow who hoseok knew would hurt his best friend. phone calls were left unanswered and texts left on read or even worse, delivered, for hours and hours on end. at least if he was on read he would know yoongi was still paying attention to him. yoongi just never had the time for him anymore, hoseok could feel the replacement slowly sinking in. it was carving into his sides like a knife, breaking him down slowly into a million pieces. the one boy he trusted not to leave, and he was.

it wasn't unknown that even though hoseok was extremely excitable and willing to speak to everybody who came his way that he always struggled with trust problems. you could easily be friends with hoseok, but it was very unlikely that you would properly gain his trust. his problems were strictly kept to himself and he liked it that way. yoongi was his safe place; he felt safe telling yoongi his problems when nobody else would listen. it wasn't fair that he wasn't around, his feelings were bottling up and they were threatening to explode and burn everything down around him.

hoseok currently was sitting in his dorm room, phone in hand and grip becoming increasingly tighter the longer he waited. for fifteen minutes now he had been on read, fifteen minutes of agony. tears were streaming down his face and his hands were shaking violently, so violent that eventually his phone slipped from his grip. this happened a lot, everything just seemed to become too much and he needed a good cry and the company of his best friend. his best friend had left him on read for fifteen minutes.

tonight was an underground rapping night and hoseok knew that, but he expected more from yoongi. for how long they had known each other, you would think that the boy would at least send him a text back, but there was nothing. inviting jin over was a no go - he was with his new boyfriend, jeongguk. a very unlikely pair, but a pair nonetheless.

hoseok did not want to go to bed without a reply. his eyes were beginning to sting greatly and they were swelling, his cheeks were puffy and hair sticking up in all the directions possible, but he refused to do anything about it.

he fell asleep through exhaustion at four in the morning.

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