21- "Just fucking kiss me Kylie Dawson"

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Chapter 21 - Just fucking kiss me Kylie Dawson

I'm standing there patiently waiting for his story on why the heck he's been apparently missing these past few days.

"Well after I have confessed how I feel towards you, I decided that I should give you your space to think about what the heck happened at that very moment." He explains with a shrug.

"Well that's pretty dumb." I mumbled.

"But makes sense." He says.

"Well this first semester is almost over, so let's say that I do end up giving you a chance, what would happen to us then?" I ask him.

"Well right now, you're going to take this bouquet of roses from me." He says handing me the bouquet.

Which I take from him and smell.

"Then there will be a breeze." He says.

Then the breeze comes and it makes me shiver. Why the heck is it fall?

"I pull you close to me." He says wrapping one arm around my waist pulling me towards his chest.

"Why are you doing this? Or why me? There are other fish in the sea.." I say quietly while putting my hand on his chest.

"Because Kylie, ever since we first met. You showed me nothing but kindness. And that's the girl for me." He whispers into my ear.

"B-but what about college?" I ask him .

"Just fucking kiss me Kylie Dawson." He chuckles leaning down for a kiss.

He closes his eyes and plants his lips on mine. And before I know it, I'm kissing him back.

Just then a force pulls us apart and it was James glaring at him.

"You've been kissing for too long." James mumbles while stepping back away from the two of us.

"Thank you for the flowers Nolan." I explained awkwardly then went inside my house.


I was on my MacBook watching Parks & Recreation when there was tapping sound on my window.

I paused my show, and looked over to see Nolan waving at me .

Then I got off my bed and walked over to him and opened my window.

"Nolan? Why are you here?" I ask him.

"Because I wanted to see you." He says nonchalantly while trying to get inside my bedroom.

"Yeah Nolan, you can come in." I grumbled while backing up to give him some space to jump inside.

"Thanks cutie." He says completely in my bedroom now and giving me a cheeky grin.

"We aren't even a couple, you don't have to come crawling through my window." I mumbled while cracking my fingers.

"Not yet we aren't." He corrects me and sits down on my bed.

He looks at my computer screen to see my show paused on Chris Traeger.

"Who is that?" He asks me.

I sighed dramatically.

"That's Rob Lowe." I say while raising my eyebrow.

"Who's he again?" Nolan asks while turning his head to look at me.

I groaned.

"This will be a long night." I sighed.

Then I took a seat next to him and pressed my space bar to un pause the show.

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