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It's funny, how one minute your life feels like hell then in a moment you realize, you would give anything to return that utopia.

Levi's POV-

Fire, burning red, burning through everything it touches, deadly. Slowly chewing through my skin and flesh leaving some parts raw, but I ignored it, there was no time to think of the stinging pain. I grasped my sister's hand even tighter, run, that's all I needed to do, run, ignore the skin rubbing against the back of my shoe ripping through skin, ignore the charcoal stinging my eyes and blanketing my skin, the loud banging in my head causing my vision to go blurry. Just run, and never stop.

I feel the hand gripping to my arm loosen and along with it, a scream. Unfortunately, this was not a book, this was not a fantasy where everything stops for the main character to mourn. No, I could only stare at my sister's mutilated body and will myself to not drop to the ground. one of the Dead had bitten right through her neck, blood staining every part of her body. Her arm was reaching out to me and she was still screaming in her eyes.

Willing myself to turn around and not drop to the ground was the of the hardest things I ever had to do. But I moved one foot in front of the other, I have to keep running. Till I read the castle, just a little further.

My breath was ragged, and my legs were about to give out. I had been running for hours and there was no way I could go any further. finally, I tripped on a tree root and fell, I could feel my chest hitting the ground in irregular breaths, my lungs were burning and for the first time in what seemed like forever, I could breathe properly. I strenuously pushed myself up resting my back on a nearby tree.

That's when the tears came. I couldn't stop myself, everything I had suppressed just poured out in one colossal wail. Tear after tear, scream after scream I couldn't stop or did I not want to stop. Finally, my tears stopped, I looked at my blood stained hand, I had run out of tears.

Suddenly the sound of rushing tires became audible and a gold and navy plated motorcycle came into view. A woman with brown hair put up into a ponytail hopped off the bike and ran towards me cupping my face. At that moment my vision went blurry and the sounds around me became muted and fuzzy. Like incoherent murmuring being flung at me. Finally, I let the fatigue take me over and I fell limp.

A/N: Well that was the first chapter I hope you liked it! I'll try to post it as soon as possible, and thank you for giving this fic a read I REALLY appreciate it!! Oh and credits to Lena for the art.


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