chapter nine

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This was it. No turning back now. You got this Cleo, your finally gonna meet your big cosin Brookelyn. So what if you've never heard of her before or ever seen her.Just breath and go get ready for today. Cleo though as she looked at herself in the mirror then brushed her hair and put it in two braids. She grabbed her phone and checked the time then went onto twitter and tweeted 'morning Swellview 😙😙😘😘' then grabbed light blue ripped jeans and her new pink belly shirt and put on a 'unicorn squad' jumper and put on white Convers grabbing her school bag putting her books in her bag and grabbed her keys and put them at the front of the bag then ran down stairs to have breakfast and go to school "Cleo your awake!" Ray said and smiled and put mancakes on the table.
"yeah, I need to get to school so..." Cleo said.
"Go, but don't forget--" he began.
"My keys. I know, there in my bag" Cleo said then ran to the door but quickly grabbed a smoothie from the table then ran out and seen Henry, he smiled "Cleo! Wanna walk to school with us".
"Sure" Cleo said and walked to school with Henry, Charlotte and Jasper.


Word count - 226

Sorry this is short I just have been busy with school, homework, my other books, reading your books it's just hard to fit any time to write this book but I PROMISE next chapter will be the longest chapter next because the tenth chapter is the final chapter of this book.

If you want a book vote on this book bye.

Captian man's daughter (A Henry danger fanfic) (Henry X Cleo) (Book #1)Where stories live. Discover now