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Robin's pov
When I saw who it was I was shocked it was ....... y/n. "Y/n what are you doing?" I asked as I started to walk towards her. "Please .... just stay away, it's for your own good" she said as she started taking steps back, away from me.

"Why?!?" I asked I said still walking towards her. "Please ..... I-I-I ..... like you more than anything, I want you to be safe, so stay away from me!" She said as she bumped into the wall. "I like you too but I want to help you!" I said as I was in front of her face to see her beautiful e/c eyes.

We were standing there for a couple of minutes but it felt like a hour. I started to notice her eyes were turning red her beautiful e/c eyes were gone and replaced with dark devilish eyes. She pushed away and I fell on the floor, she raised her hands and the earth came up and grabbed me, it hold on me was tight.

The earth left, she raised her hands again and fire appeared on her hands, she started throwing fireballs at me, she was a good aim cause she got me I was getting burn. She stopped throwing fireballs at me, she raised her hands again and a bunch of water came into the room and swallowed me I was drowning, she let the water go I started coughing out water the last thing she did was bring the wind into the room and took the air away from me I past out. The last thing I remember is her Turing back to normal and looking at me she seemed shocked and sad she gave me a quick kiss on the check and ran off.


I woke up in the infirmary, the whole team was around the bed some sitting in the chair or on the floor even Batman was there sitting in a chair by the bed I was in.

"Uh.... hey guys" I said waving my hand awkwardly. "ROBIN!!" They all said sounding happy as they all got up and went to hug me. After the hug someone was still hugging me and it was one girl I hat soooo much ........ it was Zatanna. I pushed her off me, she acted like I hurt her and just flipped her hair and left.

"How did you get hurt?" Wally asked as he broke the silence. "I don't remember " I said rubbing my head trying to remember. "Really when we found you we found markings on your stomach, burns on your arm, your costume was even wet and we found you passed out" Artiems said trying to help me remember. "Really!?!" I said still rubbing my head trying to remember.

The team left, but Batman stayed and looked at me while smirking oh no I thought. "Now tell me what happened" he said knowing that I faked not remembering anything. "What!?! What are you talking about?" I said seeing how long I can keep this up. "Your a horrible liar" Batman said still smirking. "Ugh fine, what happen is y/n attacked me" I said looking down on the bed. "What?!?" Batman said sounding shocked. "Yeah I saw her in her room, it looked like she was looking for something" I said still looking down on my bed. "That's odd, I will make sure to look at the security cameras to see what went wrong" Batman said as he got up and left.

Y/n's pov
When I went back to normal I saw Robin on the floor, beaten, bruised and burned. I felt bad I went down to him and gave him a kiss on the check. "Wish I can stay, but he won't let me" I whispered to make sure no one heard me. I ran out of my room and out of the mountain before the team finds me.

I was out of the mountain and I decided to fly to where I was suppose to met my master. I made it to Star City and landed on a roof top waiting for my master to show up.

"Hello master" I said as I sensed him by me. "Hello little girl" he said as he put his hand on my shoulder. "Did you get it?" He asked hoping I got what he asked for. "Yes master" I said as I handed him the security codes for the mountain. "You did it little girl, now on to the next step of the plan. Let's go the light is waiting" he said as we both left to go back to the light, back to my prison.


Robin's pov
I was able to get out of the bed. I walked more like limped to y/n's room. When I got there everything was a mess her bed had burned spots on it, there were a few rocks everywhere, her room was cover in water it was all the way to tot ankles but it left when I opened the door, everything she had on her drawer was on the floor broken because of the wind.

"Y/n what did you get yourself into" I whisper as I started to pick up some of her stuff that was on the floor. I found a picture of her and someone else, I never saw that picture before she must've hide it. Who is that guy?!? I thought as I gripped the picture tight that it broke. The picture fell out, I picked it up and I saw some words and numbers written on the back. "What is this?" I whisper to myself as I looked at the words behind the picture.

I left her room and I took the picture with me to investigate the words and numbers on it. Y/n what is up with you, what have you gotten yourself into. I thought as I went into my room to fight out what the words and numbers mean.


Hi guys I finally updated, who do you guys think your master is, can you guys help I need help by deciding who should the master be and who should be in the picture with you, you guys just comment and I'll give you a shout out if I do your idea. What do you guys think will happen?? Ok that's it bye guys 😘😘 stay fresh!!

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