At a time in which the world was beginning to run out of the resources they needed the most, a scientist proposed an idea. The idea that humans needed to better themselves, rather than technology. Studies were conducted to help humans unlock their potential; what they truly could do. Eventually out of these experiments came a solution, a new discovery: elemental bilities.
People began to bend the elements at their will, at some point even becoming them. However, this discovery started a rift in the people and their beliefs. Some believed pure science was behind it, others believed we were tapping into abilities deep within humans. In that, there was a rift in opinions too. Some believed it was pure magic, others, a blessing from our ancient gods. Perhaps, a little bit of both.
The world was now in classes. Elemental Witches and Warlocks, users of all elements to a certain extent; Elementals, users of a specific element who can turn themselves into it; True Witches and Warlocks, a bloodline of those who could use what appeared to be real magic; and humans, Purist and Non-Purist. Purists believed that we shouldn't mess with "magic" and further our powers or even have them at all, and only marry other Purists humans; while Non-Purists don't.
Story Ideas and Concepts
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