Chapter 1: Whoopsie, I Fell

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We do not own Undertale or the AU Dragontale. Rights go to Toby Fox.
The sensation of falling was all I could feel at a time like this. I can’t believe I tripped and fell on a rock! How stupid.

    The collision of the ground against my face as I glared up at the little speck of blue I could see, and yelled, “F***!!” (🔪Well at least it was censored) That hurt more than I’d ever let on.

    I raised my head and bit my cheek to subdue the pain momentarily. I checked out my surroundings and saw a small dandelion pop up. He had a face!

    He said, "Howdy! I’m Flowey! Flowey the flower! Hmmmmm…’re new to the Underground, aren’tcha?” He paused, then continued. “Golly, you must be so confused! Someone ‘ought to teach you how things work down here! I guess little ole me will have to do! Ready? Here we go!”

    We were teleported to a black and white area. He said, “See that heart? That is your soul! The very culmination of your being!” I moved my 'Soul' around to get the hang of moving it. He continued, "Your soul starts off weak, but can grow strong if you gain a lot of LV.”

    “Well what is this, ‘LV’?” I cut into his speech, curious.

    Flowey said, “What does LV stand for? Why, LOVE, of course! You want some love, don’tcha? Don’t worry! I’ll share some with you!”

    I grew excited, thinking that we would do something simple. Like hugging each other! (Even though he is just a flower with no arms!!)

Flowey said, with a wink, "Down here, love is spread through...little white…friendliness pellets! Are you ready? Move around! Get as many as you can!”

    I went to grab some, but as they hit me, they lowered my ‘HP’, whatever that is. Pain coursed through me. I collapsed on the ground, curling up into a fetal position, trying to ward off the pain. When I looked back up at Flowey, he was smiling like a maniac!

    He said, sounding very evil, “You idiot! In this world, it’s kill or be killed. Why would anyone pass up an opportunity like this!?” He had an very evil grin on his face as he screamed at me, "Die!!”

    A ton of those evil and horrible pellets circled me as I curled up into a ball and shivered in fear. Just as the pellets were about to touch me. A fire ball knocked Flowey out of my fuzzy field of vision.

    I couldn’t see very clearly, but I thought I saw a large dragon covered in white scales with a purple scarf around her neck heading for me, right as I felt my mind detach from my body and float off like a balloon.

Well hello! Sorry for stopping the original book, but Hew and I decided that we should probably smooth out the plot a little. So we are keeping the plot, just adding more details and making sure that they stay dragons throughout the whole book. We were kind of forgetting they were dragons and we were too lazy to go back and fix it, or at least, I was. Anyway, byeeee

    Peace out Nightmarians!

                          ~Mikey & Golden (She went to bed but this is from her also. Mainly me though. :) )

(💛Gold💛 - I edited it, finally!! Oh and Zia was the lazy one btw.)

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