Chapter 2: Toriel Can't

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I wanted to stay underneath these warm blankets. I then realized, I passed out on the cold, hard ground. I woke up almost immediately, jumping out of the soft bed in fear. I looked around, noticing I was in a bedroom. The walls and furniture were all different shades of red. It looked quite pretty.

I saw a box filled with assorted shoe sizes. I found a pair that matched and put them on, as The ones I had on before were falling apart. They looked pretty new and were colored a pale blue. I really liked them.

I looked around more and I saw a wardrobe. Again, all the shirts and dresses were different sizes and a lot of them were a pale green. Mainly all of them had at least one stripe on them, and almost always, the stripe was yellow. (Chara much?)

There was a nice lamp in the corner. It looked really pretty. 'Not saying that almost every lamp is ugly of course!' I thought to myself. It was small, and sat on an end table.

I finally saw a slice of pie in the middle of the room. I picked it up, and put it in my bag.

I walked out the door of 'my room' and down a hallway to find myself in at what I thought was the front entrance. There was a long staircase that looked very ominous.

I kept walking, and found myself in a parlor. There was a bookshelf in the corner. There was also a fireplace and a nice looking, yet very large rug in front of it. There, I saw the dragon I saw just before I passed out. She was reading a book called 72 Ways to Cook Snails. I approached her. She looked up and smiled at me.

"Hello my child! I am Toriel, caretaker of the ruins. How are you feeling?" She said.

I said,"Fine? Uh, so how do-"

She interrupted me. "Would you like to hear some facts about snails young one?"

I said,"Umm, no thank you. How do I-"

She interrupted me again. "Did you know the common snail can be found all over the world?"

I said, getting kind of frustrated,"Yeah, cool, very interesting. Now how do I g-"

She interrupted me again, smile now becoming more forced,"That is an amazing snail fact, I mean, most snails can live practically anyw-"

I shouted, being at the end of my patience,"Toriel! How do I get home!?"

I quickly slapped my hand over my mouth, mentally scolding myself for yelling at an adult.

She said, with a frown on her face,"My child, stay here, do not follow me." Her footsteps made the room vibrate as she left. I peered out the doorway and saw her go down the steps. I thought to myself, 'Maybe the exit is down there?'

I waited until she went all the way down the stairs before I followed her. She walked down a long purple hallway that matched her scarf color. When i finally caught up to her. She was standing before some double doors. They were purple, and had the delta symbol on them.

As if she knew I was there, she said,"You wish to know how to return "home," do you not? Ahead of us lies the end of the ruins. A one-way exit to the rest of the underground. I am going to destroy it. No one will ever be able to leave again. Now be a good child and go upstairs." I shake my head, saying no.

She then says,"Every human that falls down here meets the same fate. I have seen it again and again. They come. They leave. They die. You naive child... If you leave the ruins . ...They...Asgore... Will kill you. I am only protecting you, do you understand?" She pauses, then says,"... go to your room."

I shake my head again.

She turns and frowns, as she says,"Do not try to stop me. This is your final warning."

I shake my head again, and say,"No means no Toriel."

She scoffs and shakes her head. "You want to leave so badly? Hmph. You are just like the others. There is only one solution to this. Prove yourself... Prove to me you are strong enough to survive."

I am transported to the battle area. She glares at me, and fires a fireball at me. I quickly try to dodge, but the fireball touches my hand. I cry out in pain. That really hurt!

"Toriel! You know you don't want to do this!" I pleaded. Her facial expression faltered for a moment helping me to realize I had a slim chance. But it was better than nothing. She fired another ball of pain at me and it hit me dead on. I screeched out my pain and she rushed to me.

"I can't!" She shouted making the room shake like an earthquake. She let loose a ball of fire, lighting up the room. Toriel's eyes widened and she reached for me and flew out in a panic. When we reached the doors, she said,"My child, please, leave me here, I cannot go with you. I will surely die here. At least I will die knowing you are safe." I cried and she pushes me toward the doors. I run out the doors and don't look back.

But I wish I had.

If I had I would've seen a small girl in one of the pale green outfits slicing her throat. (🔪Oh my freakin god, H, you should write a horror story!🔪)

💛How was that? Toriel's death and the battle was my little touch. Oh and thanks Ziana!! Are you proud?!? 😨 = your face💛

🔪Heya! Its Zia! I didn't know H was so brutal. She lives in the dream realm! I'm the brutal one of this pair! Anyway! You readers are all awesome! And yes i am proud. So proud 🙂 🔪

💛Thx Zia. And all the readers (if there are any) are awesome. Just sayin'💛

🔪Ima say my outro now🔪

Peace out Nightmarians!
~Zia & H

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2017 ⏰

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