Chapter 4: Complications

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The path to the Gotham City police department was not an easy one. There were thugs almost everywhere he looked, a majority of which belonged to the Penguin. It also most certainly did not help that some of them notably had guns. Extra precautions were made as he continued to trudge through the light snow in the darkness with the small weight of Jervis Tetch on his shoulder.
When it seemed he was in the clear from the streets of armed men, his attention was suddenly jerked away from his surroundings to a shifting weight on his back. His heart skipped a beat as he soon realized that Tetch was starting to wake up. 'But how was that possible? Could I have really been walking for that long?' He thought to himself while another part of his brain was trying to convince him that Tetch was just moving in his unconscious state. However, all of those thoughts were harshly thrown aside when he heard a muffled groan next to his ear. The Bat couldn't have him make noise now, not when there were groups of criminals still nearby. So he went with the option of getting as far away from the area behind him as possible before he would do anything else.
Continuing on with a quicker pace, Tetch roused slowly, it taking him a minute to even process what was going on around him. Though, a pain in his left temple surely shot him into awareness. Darting his eyes around, his mind caught up with the rest of him, as he had a sudden, overwhelming compulsion to throw up. Immediately he used his arms to push himself up to hopefully help keep his lunch, the pressure of the blood that ran to his head being released. Feeling him move even more, the Bat tightened his grip on the man's ankle, resulting in him kicking in protest.

"M-my hat.. Where..? W- where are we? Where is my hat?!" He started to yell and emit odd noises, trying to get out of the Batman's grasp even though it was a pointless effort. Quickening his strides even more, the Bat soon slid into a dark, nearby alleyway. Once he was at the back of the narrow space, he threw the short man from his shoulder to the hard cement ground that was invested with full trash bags. After quickly recovering from the fall, Tetch backed himself away from the shadow with ears into the wall behind him.
"Alice! Where is Alice?! Ooh, my hat.. My tea, it's all gone.. Because of you! You ruined everything, Japperwock with eyes of flame!!!" As he continued to sputter utter nonsense, the Bat ripped a long strip off a trash bag and tied it over his mouth to keep him quiet. Normally, he would let criminals like Jervis Tetch scream all they want. But since he was going to the police department, an area where he was less than welcome, he would obviously have to go in as quietly as he could.
Peering around the corner of the alleyway, he estimated how far the GCPD was based on his current location.

"Alfred, I've encountered some... complications that slowed me down.

"Oh dear, what kind of 'complications' sir?" His butler asked before he could continue.

"Don't worry about it, I've got it under control. I need you to hack into the police department's security system and unlock the shutter door in the back a minute before I get there."

"Yes master Bruce, just let me know when you do arrive there sir."

Leaving him to wait for his instructions, the Bat turned back to Tetch, who had began to cry at some point and mumble words inaudible through the bag in his mouth. When the Bat approached him to pick up and carry him again, the mad man began to panic and hyperventilate out of fear. Ignoring his muffled pleas and dodging a few kicks, he hoisted him up over his shoulder once more and continued on to his goal.

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