Chapter 5

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"What would you do if I said I love you?" I ask Ashley.

" do?" Ash asked. I can see in her eyes that her world lit up even the slightest bit.

"Yes. I do," I smile softly. I kiss the scar on her cheek.

I feel her smile.

"I-I... I don't know what to do or say..." Ash smiled although tears still kept coming.

"I know you don't. But I'll help you find what to do and say," I smile at her.

She hugs me.

I chuckle a little. "Off to a good start."


Ash and I sneak out her window and go to the park near her house.

"I have a lot of memories from this park..." She smiles while scanning her surroundings.

"Really? Name a few," I smile at her.

"My friends. Jenny and I were on the swings while we were thirteen and we were listening to our bands. It was in winter but it was at least six degrees out. So we didn't have coats on," She said

Damn Canadians... Six degrees is cold!

"Then earlier that winter, just as it was transitioning from autumn to winter, Mitchell and I were here and he came up with the idea of sparring for fun. So I went along with it. But back then I had this hat, and it was a tiger hat. So Mitchell kept telling me to take it off since it was distracting to him. So I kept it on to spite him," She said.

Sounds about right. At least there were no coats off in six degree weather.

"There's so many. I can't name them all," She smiled at me.

"Sounds fun," I smile. "C'mon. Lets go to the swings."

We start walking to the swingset and she gets on a swing. I get on the one beside her.

We stay there for a long time in a comforting silence. Until Ashley breaks it.

"Zayn?" she asks.

"Yes, Ash?" I turn to her.

"Did you mean it? When you said you loved me?" She asked, locking eyes with me.

I smile. "Of course I did. The second I saw you in the front row of our concert, my eyes wouldn't wander anymore. They were fixed on you."

Ashley went the slightest red. Not sure if she's cold or blushing... But she looked down so I'm assuming she's blushing and trying to hide it. It's adorable.

I smile at her. She's so pure. So innocent. But then I remember the knive throwing. My madness wants to come out more than ever. To kill them. Slowly. Painfully. Hear the satisfying screams as they die in my hands. I almost can't contain it. But I manage to.

We spend a long time there, talking joking, laughing. I wonder if I should ask her to come back to the hotel with me...

"Hey, Ash?" I ask.

"Yea, Zayn?" She looks at me.

"I... I don't want you to go back to your house tonight. Not knowing that those knives could be thrown again. I want to make sure you'll be safe. So could you come with me to the hotel I'm at? So I know you'll be safe," I say. Did any of that make sense? Well she's smiling so it must've.

"Sure. I didn't really wanna go back anyway," She said.

"Then where would you go?" I ask.

"The streets are like my second home," She shrugs like it's no big deal.

I bite my lip. I don't like the idea of her on the streets. Too many bad things could happen to her. I'd hate for any of them to take affect on her.

"Come. Lets go get ice cream," I smile.

"Okay," She smiles back to me.

We walk hand-in-hand to the ice cream shop and go inside. There's people with cameras outside so I'm tempted to give them something for a picture. They're paps so I'm thinking I should kiss Ashley, but then I decide against it and just hold her hand tightly in mine.

We order then go to sit down at a table and talk.

I go to take a lick of my ice cream then Ash bumps the bottom of it lightly, but enough so the ice cream lands right on the tip of my nose.

"Hey," I smile.

Ash laughed a little.

"Well now how am I supposed to get it off?" I say.

"There's a magical thing that's can be brown, white, coloured, decorated, or styled as you wish, and it's called a napkin," Ash tosses one to me. "Today you get the white one."

I smile and wipe the ice cream off my nose.

We then leave, still eating our ice creams, and go to the field. Since Niall is probably still trying moves on Nova it's probably going to take a while.

We sit under a tree. Ash had thrown out her ice cream. She claimed she was full. I don't blame her though, that was really filling ice cream and she had is almost finished. I just eat a bit more cone then I'm done. We start talking about previous events that took place in Ashley's house.

"Is that normal? For knives to be thrown?" I ask.

She hesitates. It takes a couple seconds but she slowly nods. "Sometimes worse."

I nod my head. Those people don't deserve to know her. I can't believe them. I don't want to share air with people like that. I want to make their lives a living hell.


Hiiiii sorryyyyyy this took a long time to upload

I had it written out but I just wasn't sure if it was good enough or not. But I hope it is

If you have any comments or feedback just let me know! ^.^


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