Irony Burns

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I really hope everyone loves this!I woke up early and I couldn't really get back to sleep, so I wanted to be useful!I cleaned the commons, did the dishes, and at the moment, I'm making everyone a big breakfast!It's a lot to do in three hours. Everyone should be up in about ten or fifteen minutes.

     Though, while working with the bacon, grease popped and it burned my hand and arm, but later on I knocked down the entire pan and in attempt to catch it, grease spilled on my entire arm and legs which, in turn, made me scream in sudden pain. It hurt very badly and I didn't know what to do. I held it under cold water and wrapped it in a bandage.

"Patton!What happened?!Are you hurt?!"Logan came in asking questions.

"Well duh...I burnt my whole arm."I was in tears. One, I ruined everything in the kitchen. Second, my arm was stinging horribly. Third, Logan was possibly very mad at me.

"Patton, it wasn't just your arm. You burnt your legs. You're limping."I looked down at my legs. They were scorching and covered in hot grease. I did just notice I wasn't taking care of that and I walked to my room briskly. All I left was a "Have a good breakfast".

I walked, well limped badly, into my room and ignored the prince and anxiety walking past me. Well, that wasn't very nice. I was in pain, but that didn't need to make the need to ignore everyone.

Though, a small voice in the back of my head told me not to do so.

You're injured and you don't need to care for them. They're grown men and you need to help yourself as much as possible. You're better than them.

"Well I certainly don't agre-"

Why?You've been the only one helping and they take advantage of that. You're the only one who does anything.

" are quite right."

You know I am. Don't argue, because I'm always right.

Whoever that was had a point. I was the only one that did anything productive.

Bold is Patton's thoughts
Italicized is ???'s thoughts

But, what about Logan though?He works day and night for Thomas's videos.

Thomas's videos?Yes. Though, what has he done for all of you?For Thomas as a general host?How has he helped?Who's the one who cleans everything day and night?


And who takes care of everyone when they're sick?


And who actually has emotions and can understand what everyone likes, does, and thinks of everything??


And who knows all of this is not his fault. If they could cook on their own, this wouldn't have happened. This is their fault. They did this to you. You're better than them.

You're right.

About what again??

I'm better than all of them. They can do everything themselves. They can clean their own rooms. They cook their own food. They don't need me and I don't need them.


The next day and the day after that, I did nothing to help the others. They were confused when they didn't get breakfast, lunch, or dinner. They apparently didn't know how to cook. They were left starving, but Roman wasn't. He fed off of power. He was stronger.

For the next week, Logan and Anxiety were getting skinnier. Roman was getting taller and more muscular than all of us combined. He was growing in power since Thomas was becoming more self-centered.

For the next week, I was starting to snap out of it. I didn't want to continue this. It was rude and I needed to feed my kids.

Though, before I even had the thought, I had a heart attack and was left to fade in my room. Logan and Anxiety were sure to hate me for the way I treated them. They wouldn't ever come to help me. Roman was too busy influencing Thomas's thoughts and he was draining my power to manifest. Thomas is still him and has tried to help me before my summoning me, but Roman always gets in the way and makes Thomas seem like a jerk to his friends.

He lost most of them.

Today, Thomas successfully summoned me and with barely above a whisper,  explained that I was suddenly influenced by self-centered thoughts. They believed me, but we didn't know how to downsize Roman, as much as he wanted us to. He wanted to fix this and have everything back to normal.

We sat for hours trying to think of ideas. I was soon curled up in Logan's lap and he was boney. His stomach was growling every two seconds. Though, as much as I hated to say it now. We needed a plan to save me. Thomas needed feelings and he needed to be the original Thomas that was selfless.

After another hour, they were freaking out, because I was becoming translucent. I almost slipped through Logan's chest.

Anxiety was getting anxious and he was starting to get mad. Out of everyone, he cared the most about me. I raised him as a trait and a son.

"Roman, this is all your fault!You're draining him faster every ten seconds!"I looked over at the two.

"A-anx...k-keep go-oing...."I gave him a small smile and Logan and Thomas knew what I was telling him to do.

"Roman, Thomas has lost friends because of you!"Roman flinched. He hated yelling like Anxiety, but way more.

"Roman, you can't keep doing this!Stop draining Patton's energy or you'll be the one fading!"Anxiety knew his buttons and what to say. Roman looked like he got hit with a brick at that one.

"R-roman....if you d-don't stop c-caring so much f-or yourself, y-you'll give T-thomas no emotion and y-you'll end up k-killing me...."He had tears in his eyes and as much as he didn't want to, he was curled up in a ball rocking back and forth.

He was shrinking.

"G-guys..that's enough. It's working!"I sat up on Logan's lap, using his shoulders as a boost. I smiled a brighter smile and crawled over to Princey.

"Princey, you did it!"I hugged him tight while he cried into my shirt. I wasn't transparent and I could speak. I had enough energy to do this.

"Thomas, for this to fully work, we need to go to the mind space and erase bad memories from this past two weeks and for your friends too"He nodded and we went to do it.

Everything was going to be okay.


11 prompts!I'm writing a lot today and for the next week, but I only take about a hour and a half to two hours to write these chapters.

I don't have much to say.

Goodbye precious garden flowers and beautiful Sanders Sunshine!!

Tulip out!!

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