chapter 4

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"Come on we'll show you around."

Kj's POV

30 minutes into the tour I look over at Cole,who in all the time sight seeing and walking is talking to nina.It seems to be very flirtatious as she is blushing and giggling.I think he might have a little crush on her.

Coles POV

With all the rooms and stops I decided to go for it and I started talking to her.I didn't notice I was flirting until I looked at her and saw she was blushing so hard I thought she was gonna pass out."I see your blushing~"
I said without thinking."guess I win."
She look right at me with a teasing look that made me blush."you won huh,well I guess I'll just have to put you under my spell~"as soon as she finished that her eyes went wide and she quickly said."I-uh forget I said that."I looked over at kj who raised his eyebrows teasingly.i punched him and we kept walking.

Angelas POV

Why am I so nervous around him?I'm never like this.I decided to text nina.

♡I'm really nervous all of a sudden
☆same here I think I might have a little crush on cole ;~;
♡I thought you would lmao
♡I think I might have one on kj
☆yes! I ship it!! Lol
♡ha ha it won't happen just saying
☆lol fine if I have to use my special powers to make this happen so be it
♡ok you take kj I'll take Cole you take him around and ask him about any crushes
♡and I'll do the same with Cole
☆sounds good meet you here in 30 minutes?
♡yeah later

Ok time to get some info outta him
"Cole you come with me Kj go with Nina we meet back her in half an hour."

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