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This chapter has not been edited xxx




I remember the first wave I ever caught, I was eleven, my friend Lucas was doing it so I decided to try, it was amazing! I couldn't stop the smile on my face, although I couldn't exacly stand up I could still feel the power of the wave from under the board, the way I basically became one with the board as we soared across the water. Wind blowing back my hair as water droplets sprayed my face. I felt free and at that second I knew I wanted to have this feeling all the time, all day, everyday. And that was when it started, that was the beginning of my new found life as a surfer..........


" No more!! I've had enough! Stop with all this surfing crap and do something with your life!! Your never going to get anywere with it!! Go to collage! Get a job!! You need to stop relying on myself and your mother!! We're not always going to be here! You need to stop acting like a spoilt brat and start acting like a mature 19 year old!! "

Ouch. I'm not going to lie, what he said hurt, deeply. But what hurt even more was that my mother was just sitting there listening, not doing a single thing as my father sat here yelling at me!

" How would you know shit?!

You've never even taken the time to watch me!! " Oh. what he said hurt, of coarse. The ' Your never going to get anywere with it ' part, I couldn't give one single shit about all that other bull!!

Turning around I stomped my way upstairs purposely making a scene so he knew I wasnt happy!! How dare he!! He cant tell me to stop doing what I love!! What Im passionate about!! For years Ive been trying to improve my surfing! Especially when I live in a place were the waves arnt that great! But im still trying, but he can't see that can he?

No. All he sees is his daughter 'wasting' her time doing the, " Impossible in his words! Why can't he see what I see? What I feel! When I look at the ocean I see freedom, adventure, opportunities. But all he sees is, well....water.

He wants me to do something with my life? Fine! Luke and I have actually already planned sorta like, a holiday? We were going to go next summer but I'm shore we can change that!

Yes! Im going to call him! We Will be going this year. Whether my father likes it of not!!


  " So your absolutely shore you've got everything? "

" Yes mum-"

" You'll call if anything! Anything at all happens? "

" Yes mum- "

" You've got your....Lady sup-"

"WOW! Yes-"

" I can give you more money if you need?? "

" No I don't need it- "

" You're shore? "

" Yes mum- "

" Now Lucas James Anderson, you better take care of my daughter! "

" I will! Don't worry about a thing Mrs.williams! "

"Its my job to worry-" she pulled him into a tight hug. She whispered something into his ear, making him blush as he glanced over at me.

Frowning I was about to ask but was interupted by my mother pulling me tightly into her grip, " baby girl! I'm gonna miss you! "

" I'll miss you to mum "

She just shook her head pulling away smiling greatfully at me, " You'll forget all about me when your out on your adventure dear. I can promis you that! Just remember to call me every night okay? "

" Promis " I smiled brightly at her and turned to find Lucas and my father shacking hands, chuckling at how much of a dad thing that is.....well for my father at least.

Approaching them I heard a bit of their convosation. Probably the One bit I did Not want to hear, "Be safe Boy! make shore your always safe. " I knew exacly what he meant by that. Exacly. And I knew it wasn't intended for me to hear.

I felt my cheeks heat up as Luke chuckled uncomfortably. Comon Dad!! Really?? " EllyBelly! Come give your dad a hug! " I chuckled at his nickname for me as I dove into his arms for a hug. Even tho his an ass about my surfing. I love him. His my dad after all.

Now. I'm going to tell you the same thing I told lucas. Be saf- "

" Dad! Shut Up! I don't want to hear it! " his chest vibrated indicating he chuckled, I pulled away most likely with cherry red face and stood next to lucas.

" Ready? "

" Ready!! "

I hopped excitedly over to my new Kombi van and jumped shotgun,leaving lucas to drive.

I Love. this car!! Ive always wanted a Kombi and I finally got one!! The front seat is one conjoined seat kinda like a leather couch. Its half orange half white on the outside. I the back it has a slide door and when you get in their is heaps of space! Kinda like the front seat there is the same couch like thing facing backwards joined to the front seat then across from that their is another one but 30 or so Cms off ground so its folds out into a bed, plenty of bag storage under neath! On the walls are small cupboards and windows have white lace curtains around them. The back back also has a door but were gonna keep that locked. It has surround sound which is awesome! Pluss it has things on the roof that holds our surf boards on top of the car!

Luke slid into the drivers seat sending me a smile as I winded down the window.

" Bye sweets!! " mum gushed hugging me through the window.

" Bye mum....see ya Dad! "

Finally!! We. Are. Leaving!! Im sooooooooooo excited I think i could pee myself!! Im about to go experience all the Aussie beaches I have only dreamed about!! Pluss Lucas will be with me the whole way!

Driving down the road I could feel my insides bubbling with excitment. I can't believe th-

"El? Can you read me the map?" what the hell? the map? Why did he bring a map?

" What about a GPS? " I asked, searching the front compartment for the map Luke's parents gave us, grabbing it, I opened it up. On one side their was a full view of Australias main roads. then all the boardering roads which we'll be following! Along with Hotels. and restaurants and public toilets. on the other side is a small Australia with every road in the country! Wow!! Lots...And lots..of roads!

" Well..we didnt bring one "


"OW!! what was that for? "

" I can't read a map! Well..I can but not very well you Idiot!! " He just rolled his eyes, shoving my shoulder.

" Turn on the next exit! It will get us to the boarder "

" Oh really? miss ' I cant read a map!' " His voice high as he tryed to sound like me.

" Just do it! "



Alright! So first of I would like to thank everybody for reading this book! I really appreciate it!

I want To thank all the girls that helped me get readers for this story! You know who you are and I with I could Hug you 4 of you!!

I also want to know wether you guys would prefer one update a week with longer chapters or two updates a week that are probably half the size! Please comment wich you'de rather?!

Please vote & comment! I want feed back!! Also follow me! I will follow back but it may take time!!! :) xxxx

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2014 ⏰

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