Chapter 1 - He's Perfect

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It's a warm Saturday night in June. June the second to be precise! Today is my birthday and I have just turned 15! My mum and her friend Katie are taking me into the town centre to watch someone.

"Come on, we will be late!" My mum shouts up to me as I finish off doing my mascara and eyeliner. I ran downstairs, out the front door and into the car. Mum drove the car into the town centre and parked right outside all the seats.

I jumped out of the car and ran right to the stage as soon as I saw who was playing! None other than Union J!

Me, mum and Katie sat right at the front, right near the stage! I was so excited, I can't hold my emotions!

At the start of the concert when the boys came on, everyone seated behind me screamed! I also screamed and waved my hands in the air.

As I waved my hands in the air like a mad chicken I noticed George walk up to Josh and point at me whilst laughing. My heart raced almost out of my chest! The George Shelley achknowledeged me!

By now I seriously couldnt contain my emotions anymore, I got up out of my seat and ran towards the stage! The stage was literally a bit of concrete with two steps leading to it.

I got up and ran towards the first step. I gave a huge smile and kept my eyes on George the whole time. I turned around to see hundreds of people crowding around the steps. I can't believe how many people showed up to this! These four boys are so lucky to have shown up to such a small town and have so many people turn up to see them.

I can't keep my eyes off George, it must be something about his long brown hair or his beautiful brown eyes that makes me weak at the knees looking at him. As they finish off singing 'Carry You', JJ comes up to the front of the stage "We are going to be answering some questions that you guys might have, we would love it if you could all go back to your seats and we will come around to some of you!" he says smiling as everyone rushes back to their seats. It's a mental rush to get back to my seat, even though I'm right on the front row.

All of the boys get off the stage and start walking down the steps. They all walk in a group towards the people who have their hands high in the air. Of course my hand is as high as I can get it, reaching for the stars above me.

All the boys walked over to me with big grins on their faces. Josh held the microphone to his mouth and said "Hey there hunnie, whats your question?"

"Would there be any chanse I can hug George?" I asked nervously and instantly blushing.

"Of course sweetheart!" George pushed past Josh and held his arms out for me to hug him. I got up out my chair and threw my arms around George's neck. Almost the whole audience said "Aww" and then clapped. After I pulled away, George winked at me and went with the other boys all the way to the back of the audience and back again.

"Ok, so we are going to sing one last song before having a break. We are going to get something to eat and then do some more songs!" Jaymi said and everyone applauded as the music started.

"Magazines and TV screens are telling me the world is going, going down."

Their voices are perfect! I never once took my eyes away from George. I'm always focused on him! The thing that I would love, would be to spend the rest of the night with him. He's been my idol since day one and I still love him!

After all the boys has finished singing everyone got out their seats and went to get food and drinks. "We will be back in an hour or two. We hope you all come back and enjoy the rest of the show later!" George smiled and went to talk to the other boys.

As my mum and Katie left to get food snd drinks, I walked up to the stage and stood at the bottom of the steps. I finally plucked up the courage to go up onto the stage and hope one of the boys would notice me.

As the other boys walked over to the other end of the stage, George turned around and saw me. I smiled snd started walking over to him slowly. "Are you ok sweetheart?" He smiled and stood right in front of me.

"Would I be able to get another hug from you? You see, you are my favourite from the band and I never stop thinking about you and..." I got a little carried away and stopped myself before I started to sound stupid. I took a big sigh and laughed slightly. "I'm sorry, I sound really stupid..." I quickly appologised before he thought I was a freak and ran off.

"Don't worry sweetheart! Of course you can." George laughed and took me into his arms. I could have died right on the spot! I could feel George's warmth on my chest as my skin touched his tshirt.

"Also, if it's not too much to ask... could I get your autograph?" I asked nervously.

"Sure!" George pulled a pen from his pocket and he signed my phone case, my arm and my tshirt.

"Thank you George!" I smiled and looked him in the eyes. His big, beautiful brown eyes! "Would you like to go and get a coffee with me or something?"

"Yeah, that would be great. Bye guys, I'm taking..."


"I'm taking Lissy to get a drink." George shouted to the other boys and off we went.


George and I walked down the street together. I got various stares from irrelevant people but I didn't let it bother me. I took George into Costa where we sat down at a small, two seater table.

"What would you like to drink?" George asked, standing up and getting his wallet out his pocket. If he offers to pay for my drink that going to be a big, no! I have enough money to pay for my own things.

"Just a coffee, please." I smiled at George as he went and ordered our drinks. I can't believe I am sat in Costa with George Shelley. The George Shelley!

George came back to the table with our drinks and a big smile on his cute little face. "I've paid for your drink, I hope you don't mind?" He smiled nervously, obviosy seeing the annoyed expression on my face.

"No, that's fine!" I smiled back at him and he handed me my coffee. We sat talking about small, pointless things. It was a little awkward at first but after I had drank a bit of my coffee I lightened up a bit and we got into some proper conversations.

We started talking about the x factor, being famous, being a fan and casual things like that.

"Are you in any rush to get back into town?" I asked extremely nervously. I don't want to scare him off already.

"No, I wasnt planning on doing anything really. Why? What have you got in mind?" He smirked.

"Urm... Do you want to come over to my house for a bit?" I felt myself blushing as soon as the words fell out of my mouth. How attractive!

"Yeah sure, I'd love to spend more time with you!" George smiles the biggest smile I have ever seen on him. Gosh, hes just so perfect!

(sorry for any mistakes, this hasnt been edited yet)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2014 ⏰

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