Chapter 1 | What?! Is That True?

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A new morning.It is monday.Oh my.! I hate monday..I hope it is a nice one..Hurmm..Just dreaming something...

Mother : Wake up! It is 6.50 a.m.  Almost 7! You will get to school late!

Me : Oh my! 6.50! Monday! Urghh tired!

I run to toilet and take a bath quickly..

Mother : Hurry up!

Me : Breakfast?

Mother : No breakfast or you will late to school!

Me : Okay..

At the school...As usual..ASSEMBLY!!! Hate it everytime..

20 minutes later...(the speech was too long!) finally can get to the class

Me and friends going up to the class with difficulty..Tired! 2nd Floor..

In the class..All pupils are noisy as always..Except for me (for that day)

Nabil / Friend : Why are you quiet? What happened to you? Okay?

Me : I'm okay..

I don't know why i'm quiet today...Maybe because...hurmm..

5 minutes later..

Me : Oh guys! Teacher is coming here!

Friends standing in their places with their chaotic

Me : Good morning Teacher! p/s : i'm the class monitor.. ^_^

Pupils : Good morning Teacher!

Teacher : Good morning..Sit down..Continue your previous exercise..

Aww! Exercises on monday! Just imagine that you guys..

Krinnnggggg... [BELL]

A friend : Yay! It's recess time!

Teacher : Okay you can now go to the canteen for recess..

Pupils : Thank You teacher!

[Recess Time] eating popcorn chicken

Then get back to the class and study other subjects

Krinnnggggg... [BELL]

End of school time!

Walking from school to my house...hurmm.. Keep Calm!

At my house...

Take a bath first before eat..Fortunately there is no activity at school this evening..So I'm going to surf the internet after all of this..

After take bath..

Me : Wow! Prawns! I ♥ it! [ I think there's no symbol in books ]

( Eating greedily )

After eating greedily...

Taking out charger cable from my galaxy tab..Turn on the wifi..

Check my Facebook..

And...surprise! Oh my my my my my my!

( Screaming , jumping , crying in the same time )

It says..... :

RED TOUR is coming to asia! Includes Malaysia!

Then I check twitter

Twitter : True

Then I wait for my mother to get back from her office..While tweeting,posting and doing all things about it!

8.00 P.M :

Me : Mom! Why are you late today?

Mom : I have so much work to do today...Like tenders and contracts..

Me : Mom! You know what?

Mom : What?! I don't know!

Mom making joke... ( Hahahahaha )

Me : Red Tour is coming to MALAYSIA! Yay!

Mom : So what is Red Tour? A bus? An art week?

Me :   -_-     it is Taylor Swift's Concert!

Mom : Oh, the one that you are dreaming of until you wake up late?!

Me : Yes?! ( How could you know it )

Mom : So you wanna go?

Me : Yes! Please...

Mom : But check the prices first okay...

Me : Okay mom..but the prices are not available yet..

Mom : You tell me when it is there okay!

Me : Okay!

Posting Facebook status...

"Mom is the best!"

Stay tuned cause there are a lot chapter to come next!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2014 ⏰

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